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by 이상혁 Feb 02. 2023

[북리뷰] 백만장자를 위한 공짜 음식

"The American Dream of Casey Han ... ".

[Book Review]

Free Food for Millionaires (2017) by Min Jin LEE

이민진, 『백만장자를 위한 공짜 음식』 (2022)

The American Dream of Casey Han and Jay Gatsby

Free Food for Millionaires (2017) written by Min Jin Lee and The Great Gatsby (1925) written by F. Scott Fitzgerald are two great novels that explore the American Dream and the pursuit of wealth and status. Casey Han and Jay Gatsby, the protagonists of the two novels, are both characters who strive to attain the American Dream, and they have many similarities and differences in their journey toward success.

One of the similarities between Casey and Gatsby is their ambition and drive. Both characters are driven to succeed and to achieve their dreams, no matter what obstacles they may face. Casey, for example, is determined to become a millionaire and to obtain wealth and success. Similarly, Gatsby is driven to achieve the love of Daisy, the woman he has always loved, and to become wealthy and successful so that he can win her over.

Another similarity between the two characters is their longing for the past. Casey, for example, feels a sense of nostalgia for the traditions and values of her Korean heritage, and she feels like she is losing her cultural identity as she assimilates into American society. Likewise, Gatsby is driven by a longing for the past and his memories of Daisy, and he tries to recreate the past through his extravagant parties and his efforts to win her over.

However, Casey and Gatsby have differences in their pursuit of the American Dream. For example, Casey is a first-generation immigrant, and her journey is shaped by her experiences as an outsider in American society. In contrast, Gatsby was born and raised in North Dakota, and his journey is shaped by his experiences as a soldier in World War I. Casey's journey is also marked by her struggles with her identity and her sense of belonging, while Gatsby's journey is marked by his obsession with Daisy.

In conclusion, both Casey Han and Jay Gatsby are driven by the American Dream and their strong desire for success. Despite their similarities in ambition and longing for the past, they also have differences in their experiences and motivations that shape their journey toward success. Both novels offer insights into the American Dream and the pursuit of wealth and status, and they are important works of literature that explore the human condition and the complexities of the American experience.

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