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by 최현수 Feb 08. 2019

Why Talent, again?

Yes! We, all have to focus on recruiting

Articles saying the 4th industrial revolution will entirely change the industrial topography are pouring every day. As companies changing the world with wholly new technology appear, existing companies have been put in the new competitive environment. The source of the best competitiveness that companies should secure in the tsunami of this rapid environmental change is the very person. 

Why do we have to review everything again which is related to the talent acquisition? The reason for examining what talent recruitment strategy global players have who exclaim the best talent can be explained as the following 4 things. 

The first is that the environment and technology are changing. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the time has come for all information to be connected, for artificial intelligence to understand huge amounts of information, and to present insights. Technology is constantly evolving, companies are pacing to digitalization, and now they are stepping into an environment where things are smarter and cleverer. In addition, the speed with which robots replace simple jobs that humans are doing is accelerating day by day. People should prepare to accept the beginning of the change that human enters the human’s inherent domain and the robot enters the domain of simple work rather than being afraid of being replaced. 

Now the people we hire will be the first generation of human beings to collaborate with robots / artificial intelligence, and this will be an inevitable new standard. In this reality, does the company have the criteria to select human resources to perform robot / artificial intelligence and collaboration well? Who can resolve these transition initiatives and what is the capability?

The second is that the productivity limitations that individuals can create are starting to disappear. The effect that one employee has on the end product is maximized. Considering Ford's mass production of a model T, the replacement of one employee did not significantly change the quality of the final product. But now, a decent employee not only determines the fate of the company, but it also has an enormous impact on the end product.

It has been only 10 years since Steve Jobs developed a smartphone that changed the lifestyle of people all over the world. Genius-level software engineers will not only make our lives easier but also increase exponentially. When you get good talent and let him do what he can do best, the effect has come to an era that cannot be counted.

Third, the customers(candidates) we face have changed. The behavioural characteristics of the candidates have completely changed, and every organization on the planet is preparing for it. People who are different from the behavioural characteristics of the former generation who have lived together in the organization have been absorbed into the organization. Behavioural characteristics also include differences in preferences, because the things that new generations like and value are significantly different from those of existing ones.

People with the best skills may not want the current business environment, and they may want a completely new contract method (three days a week, 100% telecommuting, etc.). The challenge of collaborating with the Millennium generation, which many companies are still struggling with, is now going to be more challenging due to the influx of the Z generation.

Lastly, a global talent war is just starting. Silicon Valley IT dinosaurs are setting up a Korean-dedicated channel & people at the global helpdesk for you. It is a stepping stone to bring Korean IT talent. There are already huge Korean developers in Silicon Valley. It is all right that you can’t speak English well and know the local environment well because the helpdesk provides everything necessary. If there is no language barrier, it is clear that overseas work is preferred. Now, the competitive advantage that Korean companies have enjoyed as a language barrier will gradually dissolve. Isn’t it time for earphones to provide a real-time translation?

매거진의 이전글 The leader is the organization
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