
매거진 나의 여정

You can make anything
by writing


by 한상훈 Mar 17. 2024



I took a walk for a while. Old and friendly path. Without destination, I followed instinct; I just took a walk for a while.

Then I reached my former company, which is located in Yang-jae. Quite a familier mood. I’ve been walking for more than 18 months.

Step by step, I walked down a small path and remembered old memories. That was a baby start-up. Few passionate people implemented small platforms. Now I can see what is wrong, but at that time we couldn’t know.

Conflict, collusion, and COVID-19. We’ve dreamed of being the next "Meetup," but we only remained scarred by each other; we failed.

It’s really hard to face the market reality of a baby startup without experts. And we needed to drop out the experts who call themselves experts. Exhausted souls are running out of cash. The business crashed and was torn apart piece by piece. That is startup reality. 

Now I’ve been prepared for a huge company. It’s more than $36 million. It’s quite weird. Only a few years ago, I'd walked the same path without a distinct future, but now I just walk around with vivid plans.

What is the end of my life? Is God watching me? I can still remember just a few years ago's struggles when I’d worked as CTO. Is it time to start with memories of my first experiences? Slow and calm. I do my job. I do remember what I should do. On the very first path, I see a faraway future.

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