
매거진 나의 여정

You can make anything
by writing


by 한상훈 Mar 19. 2024


2024. 3. 19.

It's rainy. Sky is dripping a drop of water. I just want to see the sun. But foggy and cloudy. Depressed atmospire. It is not easy to do something vigorously under low pressure. People are environmentally dependent animals. Sunny makes people happy, and cloudy makes people calm.

People have genuine weather in their hearts. Raised kids in bright circumstances have warm and clear weather in their hearts. Maybe when kids grow up, their weather conditions will be changed by variable events. When they start to love someone, it's impossible to forecast the weather conditions of themselves and their lover's weather too. Even when their age goes up from 13 to 15, when they are in puberty season, no one can predict their weather. Just avoid thunderstorms. They are quite reactive materials at that time of year.

I saw this on the Internet. It says, "Be a person who is okay to be alone." When I was young, I thought it made sense, but now it doesn't.

People are not beings who can stand alone. Everything we enjoy is provided by others. Food, living in the house, everything we use. Life is empty if you have no friends to communicate with and no family to share the joy with. There is no one who is okay with being alone. It is a situation in which the patient no longer feels pain, rather than the disease being cured. Therefore, when a person is alone, it is designed to be anxious and distressing. This is due to the fact that living alone and cut off from society is both a sign that something is wrong and incredibly detrimental to survival.

Both love and someone to love are necessities for us. When parents show their children love, they may occasionally be abandoned. Many parents love their kids dearly, but eventually the kids grow up to hate their parents.

Parents love their children, though, even if they don't. There is nothing else to love about them. We have all been deceived and loved. Have people never betrayed someone who is okay with being alone? Have they never betrayed me? Didn't they hurt people who loved me? I think everyone in the world is hurting each other and getting healed.

The weather of the mind, which used to fluctuate as you got older, also finds calm. In the past, the emotions that fluctuate at someone's words became dull, and instead, the excitement and excitement of the heart were reduced. Life is a process of maturing, and at the same time, it is a process of getting used to everything. We are no longer surprised by lightning, and we are no longer scared by storms.

매거진의 이전글 Farewell
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