
You can make anything
by writing


by sosoceo Nov 28. 2023

Play a number of roles

I don't like jobs that involve a lot of people, meeting.

I also don't prefer moving a lot in a short time.

I just want to quietly do my stuff alone in one place.

But if I'm an office worker, this is impossible.

So I ㅣlevae the company and I have been running my business.

But in order to maintain it, 

I have to do everything on my own.

This is why I'm both a representative and an employee.

In the company, all I have to do is do my job.

But in my business, all I have to do is do everything.

I'm no longer a member of the organization.

I'm alone. So I'm the only one who can work for me. 

That's not funny.

I can't complain to anyone.

No one guarantee that I will be able to make the money 

no matter how hard I work than I was at company

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