

You can make anything
by writing


by 영어 참견러 Jun 30. 2023

The Only God

로마서(Rom) 16장

26. 이제는 나타내신 바 되었으며 영원하신 하나님의 명을 따라 선지자들의 글로 말미암아 모든 민족이 믿어 순종하게 하시려고 알게 하신 바 그 신비의 계시를 따라 된 것이니 이 복음으로 너희를 능히 견고하게 하실

26. but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith—

27. 지혜로우신 하나님께 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 영광이 세세무궁하도록 있을지어다 아멘

27. to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! How amazing the ending of this letter was, I mean, I think that the Apostle Paul is one of the wisest man in the world because he was telling about God as the only wise God. Who could understand what He has done and the reason He has done these wonderful things? In a word, He is beyond understanding and He is the only mighty God.

These days I have been studying about the body parts and functions of it and I feel amazed to know that they are all full of mysteries and organized, so who could make it like that? Even a flower in the field looks so beautiful and all parts of it are wonderfully organized. So through the nature and looking through our human bodies, we could guess the presence of God.

 Plus, He revealed Himself through these prophetic writings, in other word, the Word of God, the Bible, so that all nations might believe and obey Him and He also opened the gate of salvation widely through Jesus Christ, which is the gospel, the good news. I can tell that this is the super important best news for all humans. And I thank You, Lord for all of these things, such as nature, the Word, and Jesus, who willingly became the lamb of sacrifice for me and for mankind. Amen.

26. 이제는 나타내신 바 되었으며 영원하신 하나님의 명을 따라 선지자들의 글로 말미암아 모든 민족이 믿어 순종하게 하시려고 알게 하신 바 그 신비의 계시를 따라 된 것이니 이 복음으로 너희를 능히 견고하게 하실

26. but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith—

27. 지혜로우신 하나님께 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 영광이 세세무궁하도록 있을지어다 아멘

27. to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! How amazing the ending of this letter was, I mean, I think that the Apostle Paul is one of the wisest man in the world because he was telling about God as the only wise God. Who could understand what He has done and the reason He has done these wonderful things? In a word, He is beyond understanding and He is the only mighty God.

These days I have been studying about the body parts and functions of it and I feel amazed to know that they are all full of mysteries and organized, so who could make it like that? Even a flower in the field looks so beautiful and all parts of it are wonderfully organized. So through the nature and looking through our human bodies, we could guess the presence of God.

 Plus, He revealed Himself through these prophetic writings, in other word, the Word of God, the Bible, so that all nations might believe and obey Him and He also opened the gate of salvation widely through Jesus Christ, which is the gospel, the good news. I can tell that this is the super important best news for all humans. And I thank You, Lord for all of these things, such as nature, the Word, and Jesus, who willingly became the lamb of sacrifice for me and for mankind. Amen.

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