

You can make anything
by writing


by 영어 참견러 Jun 29. 2023

Showing Thanks

로마서(Rom) 16장

4. 그들은 내 목숨을 위하여 자기들의 목까지도 내놓았나니 나뿐 아니라 이방인의 모든 교회도 그들에게 감사하느니라

4. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them.

Showing thanks to anyone who is working or worked for churches is a very basic and essential attitude, and the Apostle Paul seems to be a role model of it. Although I have worked for churches until now without any expectation of thanks by any pastors or even sisters and brothers, I believe that this kind of thanks, encouragement, and greeting each other is very important and God also wants us to do it.

I remind one deaconess who has shown me many thanks about what I did for her whenever we talk on the phone. It was a little care and love for her, but she is most likely to remember it, because she is humbling herself. In reality, I feel like being loved by her more than I did and the reason is that she remembers it and shows thanks to me with greetings.

Then, to whom should I show my personsl thanks and greetings?

매거진의 이전글 로마서(Rom) 15장
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