

You can make anything
by writing


by 영어 참견러 Jul 07. 2023

Getting Myself Ready

예레미야(Jer) 1장

17. 그러므로 너는 네 허리를 동이고 일어나 내가 네게 명령한 바를 다 그들에게 말하라 그들 때문에 두려워하지 말라 네가 그들 앞에서 두려움을 당하지 않게 하리라

17. “Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.

19. 그들이 너를 치나 너를 이기지 못하리니 이는 내가 너와 함께 하여 너를 구원할 것임이니라 여호와의 말이니라

19. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD.

God seems to give some kinds of assurance to the ones who are called to do a special mission. Likewise, He was saying to Jeremiah about His being with him and rescuing him in troubles because of many kinds of opposing authorities including even priests, the religious leaders.

The first thing he had to was to get himself ready, and then, stand and say whatever He command him to do. Likewise, I should get myself ready to do whatever He wants me to do.

Actually, I am not sure what I should do for the next step after publishing my book about which i was sure that He had wanted me to finish it. These days I am studying for a medical interpreting test by myself and that is supposed to happen once a year as an official certificate. In reality, everything is challenging to me and it is not a blue ocean at all to work as an interpreter, when it comes to my age, health, circumstance, and my English capacity, etc.

Then, why am I doing? It is because I want to get ready to stand pleassantly and welcomed before Him, being praised with the words of saying, "A good girl!", rather standing before any other authorities.

매거진의 이전글 Calling for good
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