

You can make anything
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by 영어 참견러 Jul 28. 2023

Senseless Shepherds

예레미야(Jer) 10장

20. 내 장막이 무너지고 나의 모든 줄이 끊어졌으며 내 자녀가 나를 떠나가고 있지 아니하니 내 장막을 세울 자와 내 휘장을 칠 자가 다시 없도다

20. My tent is destroyed; all its ropes are snapped. My children are gone from me and are no more; no one is left now to pitch my tent or to set up my shelter.

21. 목자들은 어리석어 여호와를 찾지 아니하므로 형통하지 못하며 그 모든 양 떼는 흩어졌도다

21. The shepherds are senseless and do not inquire of the LORD; so they do not prosper and all their flock is scattered.

23. 여호와여 내가 알거니와 사람의 길이 자신에게 있지 아니하니 걸음을 지도함이 걷는 자에게 있지 아니하니이다

23. LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps.

These days, I have heard a lot about the dying people in the sea or along the seashore, and they are so-called illegal immigrants. Yesterday I saw a photo of a Mexican mom and a child who were dead wrapped in one clothes together in the border of US southern area, which was a heart breaking scene to me and I couldn't sleep well, thinking of the people who have been suffering from terrible wars, severe poverty, and fatal diseases and so on. Who is responsible for these tragedies?

God? No, not at all!

It is, I believe and the bibel says, senseless and foolish and evil shepherds-like leaders of each nation who deserve to be blamed for these sickness, wounds, destruction, and death. They are like senseless animals as they don't seem to care for their own people at all, rather filling their own belly with valueless and disappearing stuff like wealth, health, and honor through wicked and shrewd ways of lies and frauds.

Sadly, there is the only way for me to do now is praying like Jeremiah's: O, Lord, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Correct me but only with justice, not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing. Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the people's who do not call on your name. For they have devoured His people completely and destroyed his homeland.

매거진의 이전글 God vs. Idols
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