

You can make anything
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by 영어 참견러 Jul 27. 2023

God vs. Idols

예레미야(Jer) 10장

14. 사람마다 어리석고 무식하도다 은장이마다 자기의 조각한 신상으로 말미암아 수치를 당하나니 이는 그가 부어 만든 우상은 거짓 것이요 그 속에 생기가 없음이라

14. Everyone is senseless and without knowledge; every goldsmith is shamed by his idols. The images he makes are a fraud; they have no breath in them.

15. 그것들은 헛 것이요 망령되이 만든 것인즉 징벌하실 때에 멸망할 것이나

15. They are worthless, the objects of mockery; when their judgment comes, they will perish.

This chapter is very intersting because God himself tells a long story in comparison to idols, saying they are dressed in blue and purple and adorned with gold and silver by craftsmen and accordingly they have no breath so they don't move, speak, and can't do any good nor do any harms. More seriously, He says that they are frauds and worthless and becomes the objects of mockery when the judgment comes, they will perish.

On the other hand, He is the true living God and the maker of all things. He founded the world by His wisdom, so He can make signs in the sky and the sea and will judge in the end. Therefore, He deserves to be called the Lord Almighty.

Who could dare to say like this? His name is the Lord Almighty and the maker of this universe, and the king of kings and all nations. My first and foremost question is who is senseless, God or idols? Your answer is...

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