
You can make anything
by writing


by 서상원 Aug 06. 2023

Roller coaster

Since the IMF in 1997

Good evening ~

* I have been on a roller coaster for the first time in my life.

 The meaning that we ride a roller coaster in life means that life is uneven and has some curves. No matter how much money you have and your social status is high, the roller coaster of life is a difference in degree. What everyone experiences is our life. Looking at the current Korean society, since the IMF in 1997, it can be seen as a daily roller coaster phenomenon of polarization due to the decrease in investment by large companies and the abundance of funds. Professionals, from doctors to lawyers, are jobs of a special class, and people who choose relatively stable jobs such as public officials, public corporation employees, bankers, and school teachers without much greed and retire after working for about 30 years are difficult to understand the lives of people whose social status or income is unstable, such as those who do ordinary private enterprise work, educational work such as lecturers, those who run private businesses, and those who run general sales. So, in Korea, as a means to have stable jobs ranging from public officials to school teachers, from SKY University to University in Seoul, in the past, to go to regional base national universities, study hard from elementary school and pass the competitive entrance exam. Trying to get through, putting effort into effort. In conclusion, in the New Normal era and in an ultra-modern society that recognizes and respects diversity, "This is the only correct answer." The Ran formula has been broken for a long time. If each person lives safely and happily in the spirit of "You only live once" according to their own ability and their own way of life in this roller coaster phenomenon, it is "Success." I can say!

Have a fun day ~~

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