
You can make anything
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by 이정환 Apr 10. 2018

K Drama

Before Kpop gained popularity, Korean TV shows achieved incredible popularity in Japan and China, because actors and actresses were very handsome and beautiful, and they acted really well. After that, the Korean government tried to publicize Korean dramas in North America and Europe, but the viewers in the regions were not completely interested due to the different language and culture. 

After Kpop became popular around the world, many people in the world began to admire Korean culture. They became interested in language, culture, and food. Some people say that in order to understand Korean culture more and improve listening skill, I watched Korean drama. After they watched some TV shows, they realized many stories are similar and dramatic but interesting. 

Korean TV show producers like to make Cinderella style drama. Most female characters in TV shows are poor or unattractive, but they successfully get married to good-looking or rich men. Another popular story is that the male actor and female actress fight each other as foes but eventually fall in love with one another. 

Obviously characters and stories are different for each TV show, but the stories are usually similar. When non-Koreans watch Korean TV shows, they think that "it is really cheesy". However, later they would realize that they are watching different similar TV show again and again.

Some critics criticize Korean TV shows (Cinderella stories), because Korean women envision they would meet rich men or many good-looking guys would treat them like a princess. As a result of these cheesy TV shows, the standards for men increased unrealistically, so the marriage rate keeps dropping every year. 

Despite the situation, TV producers need to produce TV shows for women, because most viewers of TV shows are women. 

Not only Korean people, but also foreigners, admit that Kdrama is too cheesy, but people continually watch the shows, because it is entertaining. However, I hope TV producers make other genres so as not to fall behind. China and Japan want to take over the position of the world drama. We need to film better TV shows to popularize Korean culture around the world.

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