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by 이정환 Apr 12. 2018

Transportation System

   I can not talk about South Korea without Seoul and I can not talk about Seoul without transportation system. 

   As you may know, South Korea was the one of the poorest countries 50 years ago, so South Korea established transportation system much later than developed countries relatively. Thanks to the late development, we were able to study new technologies and use it.  For example, London ran subway in 1900th, but by the time Korean people did not even have enough horses to ride. 

   South Korea kicked off our first subway with new technologies in 1974. Other countries and even Korean people doubted it would not be successful, but we made really stable subway system over few decades. Thanks to the great transportation system, many Korean people who have cars in Seoul commute with subway instead of driving cars. As a result, people are able to save so much money and time everyday. And also we reduced emissions massively. 

   The fare is also affordable price. A basic fare is 1250 won, which is equivalent to a dollar. Since those who need to transfer the subway line or buses do not have to pay extra fare, citizens in Seoul could save so much money every single day.

Thanks to the pleasant transport system, domestic and international travelers are able to visit many famous attractions during a day. For example, tourists could visit shopping district, historical site, foods, drinking and park easily.

According to the survey, conducted by Seoul, most foreigners responded that transportation system was surprisingly convenient. We developed the great transport system later than other countries, but if anything it is much better than western subway.

   One disadvantage of subway and buses in Seoul is that too many people use buses and subway in the morning and afternoon. Some people call it as a hellbway instead of subway. Even though I commute with subway before 7 am, it is usually packed. 

Except for the crowdedness of transportation, both Korean and foreigners love subway. 

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