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by 이정환 Apr 22. 2018

Sheep Ranch in Korea

After the end of the Korean War, the Korean government made a plan to develop South Korea. 

Many property experts considered the development plan to be very successful, because most buildings in South Korea were established efficiently. However, many senior citizens are missing the past, because the air pollution is getting worse, and there are not many preserved areas in Korea. 

This result was inevitable though, because South Korea is small, and we needed to use the land for development and the expansion of the Korean population.  

Foreign people who came from countries that have many preserved natural spaces might miss their countries. This chapter is about the people who miss nature and animals. If you search for sheep farm in Korea, you will find detailed information about this farm. 

This farm was established in 1988 by a couple who wanted to make the first animal farm in Korea. The owners made it without any help from others.

The entrance fee is slightly less than 5 USD per adult. Once people enter the farm, they can see huge open spaces that simply do not exist in Seoul or other cities, as well as a huge number of sheep. Tourists can pet sheep and feed them hay.

I would like to recommend this place to non-Korean people who lived in South Korea for a year or more, because they might want to escape from their stressful daily routine. On the way to the farm you can see mostly countryside, so people can relieve stress from their life and get some fresh air. 

What if we visit the sheep farm this week and make an unforgettable memory?

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