
You can make anything
by writing


by 이정환 Apr 23. 2018

What's Happening This weekend?

If you enjoy Korean food and culture, you would definitely like NANTA. Nanta means beating mercilessly. 

It does not mean people need to beat someone. A group of people hit certain instruments to make great sounds. They even act with the sounds.

Early Nanta members wanted to create different art from existing art, because traditional Korean art was not really popular for both Korean and foreign tourists. They practiced the new art for a while and they showed off Nanta in 1997. 

When they started Nanta, people thought the new art form would not last long time, as Korean people were not familiar with it . However, it has become surprisingly popular not only in South Korea but also in other countries. Experts in the art field analyzed that the main factor of success is the group of Nanta members always show their enthusiasm for the art. 

There are many types of Nanta, but the most popular performance is "Cooking Nanta". Nanta members chop a lot of vegetables to make amazing sounds and performance. 
No matter where you are from, you are easily able to enjoy the show, because it is non-verbal art and completely action. Those who would try the art need to get ready to have fun, laugh until their stomach hurts, and maybe catch a chunk of carrots, cabbage, potato, etc. 

작가의 이전글 Sheep Ranch in Korea
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