
You can make anything
by writing


by 이정환 Mar 31. 2018

Introduction for myself

   My name is Jay Lee. I served in the military for 6 years to protect South Korea against our tangible and potential enemies, and then I decided to resign the service to be an interpreter for the president of Korea within 15 years. 

   After my military service, I lived in New Zealand to broaden my experience and improve my English ability for a year. After that, I was determined to work for an educational company that seeks native English teachers from abroad to not only develop professional business and interpersonal skills, but also to improve the level of English education in South Korea. 

   Although I do not have vast knoweldge of South Korea in comparison to others, I would like to publish informaitve books about South Korean language, culture, food, diplomatic relations, etc. 

    My written abilitiy is definitely not as perfect as native speakers. However, I am really good at working on my skills  consistently. I will post my writing Monday to Friday and then publish a book before September. I am not writing this book to make profits. I would like to provide necessary information for people who are interested in South Korea. 

   I have three major goals that must be fullfilled before 2020. First one is having a wedding ceremony with my fiancé. Second one is buying a Benz to brag (I have been wanting one since 2013) Third one is publishing 3 books.

   Since I got engaged and published a book in 2016 (Korean man American woman written in Korean) I keep moving forward. 

I hope you would enjoy my book. 

작가의 이전글 Unpredictable situation. 
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