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by 이정환 Jun 01. 2018

Water Melon

What is your favorite fruit? Korea has four season, so we are able to eat many different kind of fruits each season. Thanks to advanced technologies, people can eat winter fruit in summer and summer fruit in winter. However, flavor is not as same as season fruit, because fruit needs an appropriate amount of sunshine. Some fruits need to get enough sunshine to produce sugar content. 

Summer is coming! it means that you could enjoy a lot of sweet and sour fruits at reasonable price. As mentioned above, there are many summer fruits, but the most loved one by Korean people in summer is water melon, because it is affordable price and many people could enjoy together. Since it consists of so much water, sugar, and other nutritions, people can prevent dehydration during the summer time. 

40 years ago, "Seori" was really popular among children. Seori means that children sneak inside of orchards and steal fruits or vegitable. At the time people did not really care about it, because children would not eat so much. Even though children get caught, owners just hit their wrist to just warn them or sometimes they provided them more free fruits. Water melon was the most popular fruit for Seori, because it is big and sharable with friends. 

If you try Seori now, you will be under arrest, so don't be caught. 

If you feel that you need more water, and too hot everyday, I recommend you to consume this sweet friut! 

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