
You can make anything
by writing


by 이정환 Sep 15. 2018

Vietnam Travel

   Few years ago, I randomly watched news in a restaurant in Seoul. It said that many companies from the world including Korea started investing their money on Vietnam to make profits, because comapnies do not need to pay high salary for Vietnames and taxes. At the time, I was not really interested in Vietnam, due to the fact that I was not able to speak the language and also there was not really many jobs, which suit me. 

   Few years later, China increased minimum wages for Chinese laborers and taxes, a number of businesses have left China to find better places for their business. Vietnam benefits from the situation. Vietnam government promised they won't increase tax rate for few years if companies create enough jobs and develop countries. 

  Companies that moved to Vietnam are still optimistic for their business, because Vietnames work hard and they can reduce so much money every year.

  I had thought that Vietnamese will be necessary to find a high quality job in Korea and Vietnam. I also thought I would have better opportunities with foreign companies if I can speak Korean, English and Vietnames. 

   I decided to study Vietnames Alphabet through Youtube, but I was not able to focus on the language, due to the 6 different sound system. I wanted to be motivated to learn the langauge. Next day, I bought a round trip ticket for Vietnam for 10 days. I thought that I would be more interested in the language once I travel the country and meet local people. 

  Another motivation was that I could teach local people Korean language. I am majoring Korean language for non-Korean people and next Feburary, I would get a certificat that I can teach Korean anywhere. Now that I am interested in Vietnam, I went to Vitenam to find out whether I would like to live in the country at least a year. I spent around 1,000 USD for 10 days including airpare. 

  From today, I would like to write what I saw and felt in Vietnam. I hope my story is useful for you to understand Vietnam 

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