
매거진 Our Korea

You can make anything
by writing


by 이정환 Sep 16. 2018

Korea? Corea?

When I was a student, I was curious that why our county is called as Korea by other countries, instead of Hankuk or Daehanminguk. I asked teachers the reason, but they just said that it is just English pronunciation. Most people around the world would be curious about it. 

According to history, the terms 'Korea' and 'Corea' were used in the U.S. and European countries respectively long time ago. Korea sounds really familiar to Korean people. There were Goryeo era from 918-1392, before Josean dynasty was built in 1392. I think that some countries discovered Korea, before Josean dynasty and then named it. 

Korea is internationally used. South Korea and North Korea have their own Korean names, but during international convention, they use English name as South Korea and North Korea.

When I was questioned by foreign friends about Korean history and name of origin, I was not able to answer properly, so I studied Korean history in detail to answer and to write this book. Learning Korean history was not as easy as I expected, because every single book has different perspective from city to city. 

Even though I can not master Korean history yet, it is always grateful to explain Korean history to foreign tourists and friends. 

매거진의 이전글 Our Korea 
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