
매거진 Our Korea

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by 이정환 Sep 16. 2018

Chicken and Beer

If you are interested in Korean culture, I am sure that you have heard of or eaten "Chicken and Beer". Korean people made a new word "Chi-Maek", which is a combination of Chicken's "Chi" and the Korean word for beer's "Maek" from Maekju. We simply ask friends or co-workers, "Hey do you want Chi-Maek tonight?" 

This dish has become so popular in South Korea, since fried chicken was developed in Korea in 1980. 

From 2010, Chi-Maek was mentioned and searched on the internet a lot more than other foods.   

If you've only tried KFC, you would be surprised with the variety of fried chicken in Korea. There are a number of chicken varieties such as fried chicken, spicy chicken, sweet chicken, soy sauce chicken, cheese chicken, fire chicken, etc. I am not able to list everything here. Even chicken-holics can not eat all types of chicken, because chicken companies develop new varieties every week. 

If you feel lazy to eat out or make food, you can simply order chicken and beer. You will receive it within 30 minutes. 

Even though South Korea did not originally make fried chicken, we are working to develop Korean style chicken. We even host a Chi-Maek festival twice a year in the summer to promote this food. 

Fried chicken is the best with a cold beer to wash it down. Imagine hot chicken and cold beer. I am writing this article in the morning and I almost ordered these foods. If you never tried it, you could think it is not really a good combination, but you will know what it is as soon as you come to Korea. 

Since it is too addictive, I would recommend you not to eat too often, because summer time is coming.

Would you like Chi-Maek tonight?

매거진의 이전글 Bulgogi the Best Food
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