
매거진 Our Korea

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by 이정환 Sep 16. 2018

Coffee VS Traditional Tea

Do you like drinking coffee or tea? If so, I recommend you to visit Insadong in Seoul.

Western people developed coffee culture and Asian people developed tea culture, and then after the 19th century, people around the world are able to enjoy both coffee and tea. 

However, Korea developed its own tea culture, which is different from other countries. 

Even a hundred years ago, only the nobility and the wealthy were able to drink tea, and the tea culture was incredibly strict for a majority of citizens.   

After the Korean government abolished the caste system in the 20th century, anyone can enjoy traditional Korean tea. The most traditional tea does not have caffeine, because our ancestors drank the tea to maintain their health, so those who can not consume caffeine, such as pregnant women, can drink it without any concern. 

Those who visit Insadong can enjoy not only traditional tea but also the traditional style decorations. Cafes use traditional tea pots, cups, paint, toys, etc.

What if you visit the traditional area this weekend to escape

매거진의 이전글 Summer Time 
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