
You can make anything
by writing


by 여름나무 May 11. 2022

008. It is time to

Giving Table SE1 Day 1

From the Book

You were born to make art. But that’s not all.

It is also my intention to walk with you as you begin to release your art into the world, for the glory of God and the benefit of others. Because you were also made to live art.

It’s time to rescue our beautiful design from the dark grip of doubt and discouragement.

It’s time to remember the Spirit of power and love and a sound mind who lives within us.

It’s time to live as though we believe we have something to offer.

It’s time to release our authentic selves into the world.

Because it isn’t only the painters who are allowed to be expressive, it isn’t only the musicians who can touch our souls, it isn’t only the novelists who can inspire us to dream.


He does not manage us, to-do list us, or bullet-point us. He loves us. Is with us. And believing him feels important, until we do, like a miracle, like lukewarm water turning merlot red right there in the cup. And hope sprouts new, because God doesn’t give us a list. He invites us into the story.

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman, p17

Ashley's Note

As I was reading today’s part, I couldn’t help but keep asking myself these questions.

“Where am I at this point of my life?”

“In what areas of my life does God want to touch so that I could take a step forward at this very moment?”

It is time for me to response to the beauty that has been calling and resonating with my soul.

It is time to open my eyes and witness the beauty that is hidden under the shadow of every ordinary day.

It is time to sit and write purposefully, tethering myself to belief that however poor the results, I have something to offer to the world.

How about you? Will you walk with me just one more step further and explore where you are at this point of your life?

Giving Table Members' Sentences with "It is time to"

It is time to start a new journey and to explore an unfamiliar area with Jesus. 
It is time to remind myself again that I have something to contribute.
It is time to remember that God loves and delights in me, whether I achieve something or not. - H.
It's time to give my packed lunch to God again like the boy who offered five barley loaves and two fish. - D.
It's time to let my boat named "JESUS" to finally float and start the adventurus and exciting journey in God to find out what he has planned and prepared for my life! In order to do that I understand that I need to fully trust God and walk with him every step of the way. - L. 

보배합에서는 판교책방의 북 펀딩 서클인 기빙 테이블 시즌 1이 진행되고 있습니다. 

보배합지기 여름나무 Ashley와 11분의 테이블 멤버가 함께 크리스천 여성작가인 에밀리 프리먼의 <A Million Little Ways>를 발췌하여 읽고, 매일의 미션 단어로 짧은 글을 영작해보는 시간을 10일간 함께 합니다. 더 알기 원하시면 아래의 공간에 찾아와주세요.

보배합 기빙 테이블 :

판교책방 인스타그램 :

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