
You can make anything
by writing


by 여름나무 May 24. 2022

015. Empower (v) 힘을 실어 주다

Giving Table SE1 Day 8

Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

From the Book

He took walks and spoke with prostitutes and told stories.

He fished.

He laughed.

He wept.

He did all of this in the energy and by the leading of his father.

But he didn’t do all of that so we would have an image to copy. He sent his Spirit to live within us to empower us to be fully alive ourselves. He continues to do all of those things now through us—the will of the Father, the sacrifice of the Son, the energy of the Spirit—the creation work of the Trinity never stops. God is on the move.

But he is not invisible. As long as there are people on earth, the world will have glimpses of God. He chooses us to move through. He chooses your personality, your spunk, your passion, your strengths, and your weaknesses to work in and through and with.

Christ still moves around in the world through the filter of your you-ness.

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman p29-30

Ashley’s Note

I believe we are defined by what we give.

What have I been giving to the world today?

Have I been used as a lens to show the will of the Father, the sacrifice of the Son, and the energy of the Spirit today?

Have I been giving glimpses of God to the world through the filter of my being myself?

“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. (Psalm 31:24)”

Nothing looks good enough, but the psamlist encourages and empowers me to have faith in the Lord who is the ultimate source of living water that flows to the world through the shape of my soul. Yes. God is on the move.

Giving Table Members' Sentences with "Empower"

I liked the sentence 'You are what you give' and I got it written in my memo app to remember. Comparing what God had given us, (He gave everything!! his last breath and life ) What have I give? Thinking about this question I become really humble. As he gave everything to us I give my life to him to use me. I'm still in my weakness so there is not much I can do. So please God empower us to do your will in your way. Strengthen us to carry your presence. - G

Everyday is challenging to me and sometimes I feel drained at night. I have no energy to get back to leftover chores. I am called a "working-mom" spending 8 hours at work, after one and half hour commuting, heading to another workplace called home where my kids are depending on me, shouting out for dinner. If God's empowerment is away from me, there is nothing that I can do by myself, to endure the chaos. He empowers me with His words every moment, especially when I am overwhelmed. - J

보배합에서는 판교책방의 북 펀딩 서클인 기빙 테이블이 진행되고 있습니다.

보배합지기 여름나무 Ashley와 11분의 테이블 멤버가 함께 크리스천 여성작가인 에밀리 프리먼의 <A Million Little Ways>를 발췌하여 읽고, 매일의 미션 단어로 짧은 글을 영작해보는 시간을 10일간 함께 합니다. 더 알기 원하시면 아래의 공간에 찾아와주세요.

보배합 기빙 테이블 :

판교책방 인스타그램 :

매거진의 이전글 014. Confine (v) 국한시키다, 가두다
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