
You can make anything
by writing


by 여름나무 May 23. 2022

014. Confine (v) 국한시키다, 가두다

Giving Table SE1 Day 7

Photo by Hiroko Yoshii  on Unsplash

From the Book

Being his workmanship doesn’t mean we are all poets. It means we are all poems, individuals created works of a creative God. And this poetry comes out uniquely through us as we worship, think, love, pray, rest, work, and exist.

Jesus reminds us we are art and empowers us to make art.

There isn’t only one right way to do the job of glorifying God. There are many ways, a million little ways, that Christ is formed in us and spills out of us into the world.

Knowing you are a poem doesn’t confine you to be artsy, it releases you to be you. We are art, every one of us. No matter our personality, skill, talent, or inclinations. The essence of being human is that we were made by design with the hands of the Divine Artist.

Christ came to reestablish our identity, showing us what it means to be fully alive as a human—how to live on earth as we were intended to live—a life of complete dependence on the Father. He lived as an exact representation of his Father as he fulfilled the law, saved the world, made wine in water pots and blind men see. He lived as a son, a brother, a friend, a teacher, a carpenter, and a savior.

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman p29

Ashley’s Note

Fish are most fully alive when they breath under water. Only when they live in the water, they are free to be who they are. Only when we live a life of complete dependence on the Father, we are free to be who we are. That’s the graceful irony I’m willing to confine myself to.

Giving Table Members' Sentences with "Confine" 

I agree with you, Ashley. God wants us to be free, so He confines us in the boundary that He sets. The features of each boundary differ by people, for example, when and where I was born, how I was educated with wom, etc. Even Christians compare to each other's boundary and think that the others have loose boundaries meaning more freedom. However, the size of the boundary just fits each person, including me. In this boundary, I seek for God and depend on Him completely. It is the way that I can be myself as He created and be free in His arms. - H

It was indescribable touching moment when I first realized the fact the Jejus confined himself as God's perfect servant in all of his behaviors on earth for all of us, paying our sin debt. Even though he is almighty, high above all, he happily confined himself to what Bible said in prophesies because he so loved us. That is the most perfect and powerful love I can't even imagine! - D 

I feel secure and peaceful when I am in God's boundary. When He called us to be His children, He set His boundary for us clearly in the Bible. I was the one who shouted FREEDOM and off the line but came back repeatedly because I realized that I did not have real freedom. I feel comfortable when I am resting under his wings. I want to tell my kids to be confined not by the world that stops them, but in the boundary God sets for them. - J

Giving Table, Caris 캘리그래피 / 인스타그램 @caris_handwriting

보배합에서는 판교책방의 북 펀딩 서클인 기빙 테이블이 진행되고 있습니다.

보배합지기 여름나무 Ashley와 11분의 테이블 멤버가 함께 크리스천 여성작가인 에밀리 프리먼의 <A Million Little Ways>를 발췌하여 읽고, 매일의 미션 단어로 짧은 글을 영작해보는 시간을 10일간 함께 합니다. 더 알기 원하시면 아래의 공간에 찾아와주세요.

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