
You can make anything
by writing


by 여름나무 May 19. 2022

013. Reveal (v) 드러내다, 드러내 보이다

Giving Table SE1 Day 6

Photo by Augustine Wong on Unsplash

From the Book

But things are not as they should be. We’re desperately afraid of desire, terrified that if we consider for too long what we most deeply want, we will be confused about which desires come from us, which ones come from God, and how to tell the difference. We live in a fallen world with fallen people in a dirty mess. We are fallen image bearers, feeling guilty for things we ought to embrace and embracing the things that ought to bring guilt.

We may be displeased with the ways he wants to reveal his glory through us because they don’t look like the ways he reveals his glory through others. We’re uncomfortable with the implications and become confused about our own desire.

We are colanders filled with glory-water. Our best efforts are spent trying to cover the seeping holes with not enough fingers. God’s glory demands display. Yet sometimes when we get a glimpse of it, when we taste something we come alive doing, when we feel that sense of purpose wake up within us, we become terrified. And so instead, we spend our time looking for plastic bags to catch it before it pours out, wasted.

We want to be something more sensible, more practical. Something like a jar with a lid. No holes. No glory leaks.

Let’s control it, contain it. Let’s be reasonable.

In this action, we have forgotten who we are.

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman p28

Ashley’s Note

As time gets closer to 10 pm, my heart begins to filled with burning fire. It’s been almost an hour trying to put my first boy to sleep. While singing him lullabies, I can’t stop myself from thinking about things that need to be done by tonight. But oh, look where I am. Right next to the boy who would open his eyes as soon as I make a slight movement. I can’t do anything but pray as ardent as I can that consist of only three words: God, help me.

God, help me.

God, help me not make a face again.

God, help me not scratch my boy’s tender soul with my harsh words.

God, help me not listen to my sinful desire that wants to hurt my boy who is testing my patience for so long.

God, help me not listen to my instinct that desires to show off how much sacrifice I’m making.

God, help me and take away this fire from my heart.

About five minutes later, I open my eyes and see my boy rubbing his eyes as if brushing away tears. In that instant, the burning fire that has almost eaten up my soul vanishes without a trace. I start to kiss all over my baby’s face, finding out that he is not crying, thankfully. It takes another twenty minutes before he falls asleep finally, but God has listened to my prayer and protected our souls.

It might seem nothing, but it certainly is a monumental victory. I praise God with all I am for choosing my ugly moments to reveal his glory. I’m sure that I will face this battle once again tomorrow. I’m more than sure that this battle including every bit of life is out of my control. So, help me, Lord.

Giving Table Members' Sentences with "Reveal" 

When God reveals what's in our heart, sometimes we can confront something that we aren't aware of, something not very beautiful about us. But it is a process of growing and maturing in God's hand. The painful confrontation will shape us into Christ-like character. - G 

Sometimes, I feel like I play hide-and-seek with God. I try to hide my sinful desires and to look nice and pure. However, God never gives me up to seek, find, and reveal those desires under the light of the Holy Spirit. This process is not that fun, rather uncomfortable. It is like I wrestle with my Heavenly Dad, "I don't want to be cleansed!! Let me be this way!" Of course, I know how thankful it is that God always holds me with warm and strong hands and puts me into the Heavenly Tub. I can imagine His eyes looking at me in that moment. Definately, I know that I need to be obedient and good daughter to Him. I am always sorry for my Heavenly Dad. "Papa, I am sorry. I am here. Please cleanse (and mold) me as you want. I love you, too, Papa." - H

I just read out loud this sentence, 'we may be displeased with the ways he wants to reveal his glory through us because they don't look like the ways he reveals his glory through others.' An unexpected cry erupted. Why does God want to be glorified through me?

I don't like myself these days. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like it has started again and I have no strength. To prepare breakfast, I plug in earphones and cook while listening to the drama like a radio. I tried reading the giving table first for a few days.


My job is.. to reveal my ugliness before Him. Today, too. Then He reveals his glory...! That is His job.  - C 

기빙테이블 멤버 카리스의 캘리그래피 / 인스타그램 @caris_handwriting

보배합에서는 판교책방의 북 펀딩 서클인 기빙 테이블 시즌 1이 진행되고 있습니다. 

보배합지기 여름나무 Ashley와 11분의 테이블 멤버가 함께 크리스천 여성작가인 에밀리 프리먼의 <A Million Little Ways>를 발췌하여 읽고, 매일의 미션 단어로 짧은 글을 영작해보는 시간을 10일간 함께 합니다. 더 알기 원하시면 아래의 공간에 찾아와주세요.

보배합 기빙 테이블 :

판교책방 인스타그램 :     

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