
You can make anything
by writing


by 여름나무 May 17. 2022

012. Masterpiece (n) 걸작, 명작

Giving Table SE1 Day 5

Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

From the Book

In Geneis, God made us as image bearers with a job to do.

Now, look at Ephesians 2:10. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

In Ephesians 2, we are a masterpiece made to do good things.

Sounds similar to Genesis 1, where God made man and woman as image bearers with a job to do.

So What does it matter?

These English words used in the text—masterpiece, sometimes translated workmanship—these are translations of the original word used in the letter to the church at Ephesus, the Greek word poiema. Our English word poem comes from this same Greek word. Workmanship, masterpiece, poem—all these words in Scripture are used to describe God’s work—you and me.

God calls you his workmanship, his poiema. What happens when God writes poetry?

We do. We happen.

We are walking poetry, the kind that moves, the kind who has hands and feet, the kind with mind and will and emotion. We are what happens when God expresses himself.

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman p25

Ashley’s Note

“When I grow up, I want to become you, mom.”

“Me? Why?”

“Because you are pretty.”

My five-year-old daughter, who looks just like me when she smiles, has surprised me with this statement. It’s not just once. Every once in a while, she looks directily into my eyes and whispers that she wants to become her mom one day because she thinks her mom is the most beautiful woman.

Beauty has become one of many words that don’t describe myself after I’ve gained more than 15kg from the second pregnancy. But suddenly, I’ve become the most beautiful woman in the world because my masterpiece believes so. After listening to it couple of times, however, something strange has happened. I myself have started to include the word, beauty, in my dictionary once again—not the physical beauty yet, but the way of perceiving beauty in mundane and even ugly days. My 5-year-old girl chooses to find beauty in her mother. Why not me? Like my daughter, I also choose to find beauty in my flawed days and worship God for giving me yet another opportunity to live as his masterpiece in this broken world.

Giving Table Members' Sentences with "Masterpiece" 

I am God's masterpiece, so I am worthy to be honored. More than that, we all are God's masterpiece. Here, 'all' means really 'all', regardless of their appearance, their backgrounds, or their assets. We all are worthy to be honored. However, we all forget this basic truth so easily and disregard people who 'look' inferior or look 'different'. I hope we can see each other with God's eyes. His viewpoint. Everybody is His masterpiece. - H

What could be the masterpiece of my daily life? As God makes me the beautiful masterpiece, I see myself as the one who could reproduce masterpiece everyday. Hmm..I remember that I happily accepted the short notice meeting and supported the team very well in the company today. I used to be the person who felt uncomfortable at work when something happened urgently with demanding request but these days, I am no longer upset or angry. That is surely powered by God who change my mind with his gentle voice. - D 

'Family' is masterpiece.
God made this perfect and beautiful community system that we can get to know, understand, taste and enjoy the kingdom of God. And there is an interesting thing. How surprised she was when Even first gave birth. She'd never seen a creature called a baby before. She must have been a complete beginner in childcare. But God's wisdom was upon her, who was the first mother. - D 

멤버 카리스의 캘리그라피 인증 / 인스타그램 @caris_handwriting

보배합에서는 판교책방의 북 펀딩 서클인 기빙 테이블 시즌 1이 진행되고 있습니다. 

보배합지기 여름나무 Ashley와 11분의 테이블 멤버가 함께 크리스천 여성작가인 에밀리 프리먼의 <A Million Little Ways>를 발췌하여 읽고, 매일의 미션 단어로 짧은 글을 영작해보는 시간을 10일간 함께 합니다. 더 알기 원하시면 아래의 공간에 찾아와주세요.

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판교책방 인스타그램 :      

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