
You can make anything
by writing


by 정겨울 Aug 11. 2017

원작은 틀리지 않는다

something happened.

기억에 남는 문장들이 많았다.

소설과 영화의 문장들 중에서

몇 개만 추려보면 다음과 같다.

"This was another of our fears: that Life wouldn't turn out to be like Literature."

Adrian: What we do know is that something happened, sir.

Mr. hunt: Come again?

Adrian: Well, something happened. All one can ever truly say of any particular period of history, sir, is that something happened.

Mr. hunt: Finn. Dobson's death is a private matter.

Adrian: No. It's also a historical matter.

The point I'm trying to make, sir, is that nothing can now be known in the absence of Dobson's own testimony. 

We may never know the truth, and no amount of intellectual posturing can alter that.

Camus says that suicide is the only true philosophical question. Apart from ethics, politics, aesthetics, and all that other stuff. All that other stuff we're learning about in school. The only true one. The essential one on which all the others depend.

When we left school and went our separate ways, out of everyone, Adrian was the only one I desperately wanted to stay in touch with.

"What you end up remembering isn't always the same as what you have witnessed."

Julian Barnes, [The Sense of an Ending]

영화를 다 보고나서 첫 번째 든 생각은,

'당장 원서를 사봐야겠다'였다.

가끔 이렇게 원어로 읽어보고 싶은

이야기들을 마주하게 될 때가 있다.

리베카 솔닛의 <멀고도 가까운>이 그랬고,

<해리포터>가 그랬듯이.

역시 탄탄한 원작이 바탕인 작품들은

(원작만큼은 아니더라도)

기본 이상은 되는 것 같다.

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