
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #3


    Buckle down: This means to start working seriously and diligently.  

    Get down to brass tacks: This expression implies getting to the most important or essential aspects of a task or discussion.  

    Put one's nose to the grindstone: This idiom suggests working hard and focusing on the task at hand without distractions.  

    Time to knuckle down: Similar to "buckle down," it means it's time to start working seriously.  

    Get one's act together: This phrase implies organizing oneself and focusing on the task at hand.  

    Hunker down: This means to settle in and concentrate on a task, often in a determined manner.  

    Nail down: This expression implies securing or finalizing something, often through focused effort.  

    Bear down: To bear down is to exert intense effort and concentration, especially in challenging situations.  

    Zero in: This means to concentrate or focus on a specific target or goal.  

    Eyes on the prize: This expression reminds someone to keep their focus on the ultimate goal or reward.  

작가의 이전글 Synonyms #2
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