
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #4

Reday for you

    In the bag: This idiom suggests that something is guaranteed and ready for you. For example, "Your promotion is in the bag."  

    In the pipeline: When something is in the pipeline, it means it's being prepared and will be ready for you in the near future.  

    On a silver platter: This implies that something is being handed to you or made readily available, often without much effort on your part. For instance, "He had the job handed to him on a silver platter."  

    On a platter: Similar to "on a silver platter," this idiom means something is being presented or made available to you without much effort required.  

    In the cards: If something is in the cards, it means it's destined or likely to happen and be ready for you. For example, "Success is in the cards for you."  

    On the horizon: When something is on the horizon, it's about to happen or become available. "Good opportunities are on the horizon."  

    Just around the corner: This suggests that something is very close to being ready for you. "Your vacation is just around the corner."  

    In the offing: When something is in the offing, it's about to happen or become available. "A new job opportunity is in the offing."  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #3
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