
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #9

Related to harbor (holding/concealing)

    Hold a Grudge: This idiom means to harbor feelings of resentment or anger towards someone for a long time.  

    Bear a Grudge: Similar to "hold a grudge," this idiom implies harboring negative feelings or resentment.  

    Nurse a Grudge: This expression means to carefully maintain and nurture negative feelings or resentment toward someone.  

    Keep Under Your Hat: This idiom suggests keeping something secret or hidden, similar to harboring information.  

    Close to the Vest: This phrase means keeping something secret or hidden, often related to one's plans or intentions.  

    Keep (Something) in Your Back Pocket: This idiom implies keeping a secret or a hidden advantage that can be used at a later time.  

    Hold Something Close to Your Chest: This expression means to keep something private or concealed.  

    Keep (Something) on the Down Low: This idiom indicates keeping something a secret or maintaining discretion about a situation or information.  

    Sweep (Something) Under the Rug: This idiom means to hide or conceal a problem or issue, similar to harboring it.  

    Keep (Something) in the Shadows: This phrase implies keeping something hidden or concealed from public view.  

    Keep (Something) Behind Closed Doors: This idiom suggests keeping something private or concealed from others.  

    Keep (Something) in the Dark: This expression means to keep someone uninformed or unaware of something, similar to harboring information.  

    Hold (Something) in Reserve: This idiom implies keeping something in reserve or hidden for future use.  

    Keep (Something) in the Vault: This idiom conveys the idea of keeping something valuable or confidential well-protected and hidden.  

    Lock (Something) Away: This means to keep something securely hidden or stored, often for safekeeping.  

    Bury the Hatchet: While not directly related to harboring, this idiom means to put an end to a long-standing conflict or grudge.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #8
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