
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #10

related to remain

    Remain to be Seen: This expression suggests that the outcome or resolution of a situation is uncertain and still needs to be determined.  

    Remain at Large: This means to stay free or unrestrained, often used when referring to a criminal who has not been apprehended.  

    Remain on the Fence: This idiom describes someone who is undecided or neutral in a particular situation and has not taken a side.  

    Remain Cool Under Pressure: This phrase signifies the ability to stay calm and composed in stressful or challenging situations.  

    Remain Calm: This is a straightforward expression that advises someone to stay composed and not panic.  

    Remain in the Dark: This idiom means to stay uninformed or unaware of something intentionally.  

    Remain True to Oneself: This expression conveys the idea of staying authentic and not compromising one's values or identity.  

    Remain in Limbo: This phrase describes a situation where there is uncertainty and no progress or resolution is achieved.  

    Remain in Power: This means to continue holding a position of authority or leadership.  

    Remain in the Shadows: This idiom suggests staying out of the spotlight or keeping a low profile.  

    Remain Under Wraps: This expression means to keep something secret or hidden from public knowledge.  

    Remain Firm: This means to stay resolute and unwavering in one's beliefs or decisions.  

    Remain Seated: Often heard in transportation announcements, it advises passengers to stay in their seats until a specific condition is met.  

    Remain in Good Standing: This phrase is used to describe someone who maintains a positive or favorable reputation or status.  

    Remain Unchanged: This means to stay the same or not undergo any significant alteration.  

    Remain Silent: This is a legal expression that advises individuals not to speak or incriminate themselves.  

    Remain Competitive: This expression signifies the need to continue to be competitive or relevant in a particular field or industry.  

    Remain Committed: This means to stay dedicated or loyal to a cause, relationship, or goal.  

    Remain a Mystery: This idiom suggests that something is still unknown or not fully understood.  

    Remain Behind the Scenes: This phrase conveys the idea of working or operating without attracting attention.  

    Remain Incommunicado: This expression means to stay out of contact or not communicate with others, often intentionally.  

    Remain in the Loop: This idiom signifies staying informed or being part of the ongoing communication or information flow.  

    Remain a Step Ahead: This means to stay ahead of a situation or competition by being proactive or well-prepared.  

    Remain afloat: This idiom indicates the ability to continue operating or surviving, often in challenging circumstances.  

    Remain Up in the Air: This expression suggests that a decision or outcome is still uncertain or undecided.  

    Remain in the Picture: This means to continue to be involved or relevant in a particular situation or field.  

    Remain Neutral: This idiom advises someone to stay impartial and not take sides in a conflict or dispute.  

    Remain in the Game: This expression conveys the idea of staying involved or competitive in a particular activity or situation.  

    Remain Open-Minded: This means to continue to have an open and receptive attitude toward new ideas or perspectives.  

    Remain at the Helm: This phrase describes someone who continues to be in charge or in a leadership position.  

    Remain on the Same Page: This idiom suggests the importance of maintaining alignment or agreement within a group or team.  

    Remain Under the Radar: This expression means to stay unnoticed or not attract attention.  

    Remain Below the Surface: This idiom conveys the idea of staying hidden or not revealing one's true intentions or emotions.  

    Remain Grounded: This means to stay humble and not become arrogant or disconnected from reality.  

    Remain Above Water: This idiom signifies the ability to manage or cope with difficulties or challenges, often related to finances or responsibilities.  

    Remain in Good Health: This expression means to stay healthy or maintain one's well-being.  

    Remain On Track: This idiom advises someone to stay focused and continue progressing toward a goal or objective.  

    Remain in Control: This means to maintain authority or mastery over a situation or oneself.  

    Remain in Harmony: This idiom suggests the importance of staying in agreement or maintaining a peaceful coexistence.  

    Remain True to Form: This expression conveys the idea of staying consistent with one's typical behavior or character.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #9
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