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by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #11


* in the clutches of

The phrase "in the clutches of" is an idiomatic expression used to convey that someone is under the control, influence, or power of someone or something else, typically in a negative or challenging way. It often implies a situation where a person is trapped, unable to escape, or facing a difficult predicament. Here are a few examples to illustrate its use:  

    "She found herself in the clutches of debt, struggling to make ends meet."  

    "The small village was in the clutches of a harsh winter, with no supplies or means of communication."  

    "The hero was captured and held in the clutches of the villain, unable to break free."  

    "The nation was in the clutches of a corrupt government, leading to widespread discontent."  

In each of these examples, "in the clutches of" emphasizes a state of vulnerability, captivity, or difficult circumstances, where escape or resolution is challenging.

    Under the Thumb (of Someone): This idiom implies being under the control or influence of someone else, often in a submissive or subservient way.  

    Under Lock and Key: This phrase refers to something being securely locked away or under strict control.  

    At Someone's Mercy: This expression suggests being completely vulnerable to someone's decisions or actions.  

    In a Tight Spot: This idiom means being in a difficult or challenging situation with limited options.  

    In a Bind: Similar to "in a tight spot," this phrase conveys being stuck or facing a problem that is not easy to solve.  

    In Hot Water: This idiom implies being in trouble or facing negative consequences for one's actions.  

    Caught in the Crossfire: This expression signifies being trapped or affected by a conflict or dispute between two parties.  

    Between a Rock and a Hard Place: This phrase describes a situation where someone has to choose between two equally undesirable options.  

    In a Jam: This idiom means being in a difficult or problematic situation.  

    In Deep Water: Similar to "in hot water," this expression suggests being in a troublesome or risky situation.  

    In Dire Straits: This phrase conveys being in extremely difficult or desperate circumstances.  

    Under the Gun: This idiom implies being under pressure or facing a deadline.  

    In the Line of Fire: This expression signifies being in a position where one is directly affected by a dangerous or risky situation.  

    In the Hot Seat: This idiom means being in a position where one is under scrutiny, often for something they've done.  

    In the Crosshairs: Similar to "in the line of fire," this phrase suggests being a target or facing imminent danger.  

    In the Lion's Den: This expression conveys being in a dangerous or hostile environment.  

    In a Quandary: This idiom means being in a state of uncertainty or doubt, facing a difficult decision.  

    At the Mercy of the Elements: This phrase emphasizes vulnerability to natural forces or conditions.  

    In a Tight Squeeze: Similar to "in a tight spot," this idiom indicates being in a difficult or challenging situation with limited options.  

    In the Mire: This idiom suggests being stuck in a difficult, messy, or complicated situation.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #10
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