
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #12


    Put Down Roots: This idiom suggests establishing a permanent residence and becoming part of a community.  

    Make a Home: This phrase signifies the act of creating a comfortable and welcoming living space.  

    Set Up House: Similar to "make a home," this expression means arranging and organizing a place for living.  

    Lay Down Stakes: This idiom implies marking your territory or establishing a permanent presence in a particular location.  

    Build a Nest: This phrase is often used in the context of couples creating a home together, like birds building a nest.  

    Plant Yourself: This idiom signifies settling in and making a place your own, often with a sense of commitment.  

    Take Root: Similar to "put down roots," this expression implies becoming firmly established in a place.  

    Find a Niche: This phrase means discovering a comfortable and suitable place where you can thrive.  

    Put Up (Your) Shingle: Historically, this idiom referred to opening a business, but it can also be used to mean establishing a home or residence.  

    Anchor Down: This expression conveys the idea of securing yourself and your life in a specific location.  

    Get a Toehold: This idiom implies gaining a small but firm foothold or position in a new place.  

    Make Homestead: This phrase emphasizes the act of creating a home and settling in a particular location.  

    Lay Your Hat: This idiom is often used informally to mean finding a place where you feel comfortable and at home.  

    Put in (Your) Roots: Similar to "put down roots," this phrase signifies becoming established and making a place your own.  

    Sink (Your) Roots: This expression conveys the idea of firmly establishing yourself in a place and making it your permanent residence.  

    Settle Down: While not an idiom, this is a commonly used phrase that directly implies the act of establishing a permanent home.  

    Put (Your) Feet Up: This idiom signifies relaxing and getting comfortable in your own space, often at home.  

    Plant (Your) Flag: This phrase suggests staking a claim and establishing a personal territory or home.  

    Dig In: This idiom implies the act of settling in, often with determination and commitment.  

    Take Residence: This expression means moving into and making a place your permanent home.  

    Lay Down Roots: This idiom emphasizes the action of establishing a long-term presence in a specific location.  

    Make One's Abode: This phrase conveys the idea of creating a dwelling or living space in a particular place.  

    Take Up Residence: Similar to "take residence," this expression signifies the act of moving into and living in a place permanently.  

    Establish Domicile: This phrase is often used in legal contexts to indicate establishing a legal residence or domicile.  

    Find Your Nook: This idiom suggests discovering a comfortable and suitable corner or space within a place to call your own.  

    Plant Your Feet: This expression means firmly settling into a location or situation, often with a sense of determination.  

    Set Up Camp: While originally associated with temporary camping, this phrase can also signify making a place your long-term home.  

    Build Your Castle: Metaphorically, this idiom means constructing your own personal fortress or secure living space.  

    Carve Out Your Corner: This expression implies creating and claiming a specific area or space within a larger place for yourself.  

    Put Down Your Baggage: This idiom signifies the act of unpacking and settling into a new place, both physically and metaphorically.  

    Inhabit the Space: This phrase emphasizes taking up residence and living in a particular location.  

    Nestle In and Call It Home: A combination of "nestle in" and "call it home" expresses the idea of comfortably settling into a new place and making it your home.  

    Take Up Quarters: This expression conveys the notion of occupying and living in a specific space or dwelling.  

    Create a Hearth: This phrase is often used metaphorically to mean establishing a warm and welcoming home.  

    Make Your Den: Similar to "build a nest," this idiom implies creating a cozy and comfortable living space.  

    Put Your Flag in the Ground: This idiom signifies the act of marking a territory or place as your own and settling there.  

    Build Your Retreat: Metaphorically, this expression means creating your own personal sanctuary or retreat.  

    Establish Your Haven: This phrase emphasizes the idea of creating a safe and comfortable living space.  

    Take Root and Flourish: A combination of "take root" and "flourish" signifies the act of firmly establishing yourself in a place and thriving.  

    Claim Your Domain: This idiom implies taking ownership of a particular area or space and making it your own.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #11
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