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by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #19

Start a journey 

Here are some idiomatic expressions and phrases that mean "embark on a journey" or "begin a journey":  

    Hit the Road: This idiom means to start a journey or trip.  

    Set Sail: This expression is often used when beginning a sea voyage.  

    Start a Journey of a Thousand Miles: This idiom emphasizes the beginning of a long and challenging journey.  

    Take to the Highway: This phrase signifies starting a journey by traveling on a road or highway.  

    Kick Off a Journey: This idiom means to initiate or start a journey.  

    Embark on an Adventure: This expression conveys the idea of starting an exciting and often daring journey.  

    Begin a Quest: This idiom suggests initiating a journey or mission, often with a specific goal in mind.  

    Launch a Expedition: This phrase implies the start of an organized and often exploratory journey.  

    Step Out on a Path: This idiom conveys the idea of starting a journey or taking the first steps on a new path.  

    Commence a Trek: This expression means to start a challenging and often long journey, often on foot.  

    Set Out on a Voyage: This idiom is used when embarking on a sea journey or long trip.  

    Embark on a Safari: This phrase signifies the beginning of a wildlife adventure or expedition.  

    Start a Pilgrimage: This idiom is often used when beginning a religious or spiritual journey.  

    Initiate a Road Trip: This expression conveys the idea of starting a journey by traveling on the road, often for leisure or exploration.  

    Kickstart a Hike: This idiom means to begin a challenging hike or mountain-climbing journey.  

    Launch into the Unknown: This phrase suggests starting a journey into uncharted or unfamiliar territory.  

    Start an Odyssey: This idiom signifies embarking on a long, adventurous, and often transformative journey.  

    Begin a Cross-Country Journey: This expression is used when starting a journey that spans a country's length.  

    Take Off on a Flight: This idiom is used when beginning a journey by air travel.  

    Embark on a Quest for Knowledge: This phrase conveys the idea of starting a journey in pursuit of learning or understanding.  

    Start a Cross-Continent Adventure: This idiom is used when beginning a journey that spans multiple continents.  

    Initiate a Trek into the Wilderness: This phrase conveys the idea of starting a journey into a remote and untamed natural environment.  

    Set Out on a Road of Discovery: This idiom suggests embarking on a journey with the aim of making new and exciting discoveries.  

    Kick Off a Backpacking Trip: This expression is used when starting a journey where you carry all your essentials in a backpack.  

    Begin a Ride Across the Desert: This idiom is often used when embarking on a journey through arid and challenging desert landscapes.  

    Commence a Search for Lost Treasure: This phrase signifies starting a journey with the goal of finding hidden or valuable objects.  

    Launch a Space Exploration: This idiom conveys the idea of initiating a journey into outer space or the cosmos.  

    Start a Hike Up the Mountain: This expression means to begin a journey by ascending a mountain, often for the challenge and scenic views.  

    Embark on a Quest for Truth: This idiom suggests starting a journey in search of knowledge, understanding, or enlightenment.  

    Commence a Journey of Self-Discovery: This phrase conveys the idea of embarking on a personal and introspective journey to learn more about oneself.  

    Set Sail on a Whirlwind Tour: This idiom is used when beginning a fast-paced and intensive tour or journey.  

    Kick Off a Cultural Expedition: This expression signifies starting a journey to explore and experience different cultures and traditions.  

    Begin a Sojourn into the Unknown: This idiom conveys the idea of starting a journey into unfamiliar and unexplored territory.  

    Embark on a Musical Journey: This phrase suggests starting a journey of musical exploration, creation, or performance.  

    Launch into a World of Imagination: This idiom is often used when beginning a creative or imaginative journey.  

    Start a Cross-River Adventure: This expression is used when beginning a journey that involves crossing multiple rivers.  

    Initiate a Tour de Force: This idiom means to begin a journey or endeavor that demonstrates exceptional skill or achievement.  

    Set Out on an Epic Odyssey: This phrase signifies embarking on a long, heroic, and often mythical journey.  

    Kickstart a Cultural Immersion: This idiom conveys the idea of starting a journey to immerse oneself in a foreign culture.  

    Embark on a Healing Journey: This expression suggests initiating a journey aimed at physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #18
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