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by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #20

Dart and Charge

Here are idiomatic expressions and phrases that convey the ideas of "dart" and "charge":

Idioms for "Dart" or "Move Quickly"  

    Dart Like an Arrow: This idiom means to move rapidly and directly, much like an arrow flying through the air.  

    Bolt from the Blue: This expression signifies a sudden and unexpected movement or action.  

    Speed of Lightning: While not an idiom per se, it describes extremely rapid movement.  

    Dash for the Finish Line: This phrase conveys the idea of making a quick and determined effort, often in a competitive context.  

    Flash Across the Sky: This idiom is often used metaphorically to describe something moving swiftly and briefly.  

    Zoom Like a Rocket: This expression suggests rapid movement, often with great force.  

Idioms for "Charge" or "Rush Forward"  

    Charge Ahead: This idiom means to move forward quickly and aggressively, often used in the context of taking action.  

    Rush into the Fray: This phrase conveys the idea of moving swiftly and decisively into a situation, often a conflict or battle.  

    Storm the Gates: This expression implies a forceful and determined advance, often used figuratively.  

    Lead the Charge: This idiom means to be at the forefront of a movement or action, often with a sense of courage and determination.  

    Push the Envelope: While not directly related to "charge," this phrase means to extend the limits of something, often by taking bold actions.  

    Plunge In Headfirst: This idiom signifies making a bold and impulsive move without hesitation.  

    Dive In Feet First: This expression means to jump into a situation without taking time to consider the consequences.  

    Spearhead an Attack: This idiom is often used in military or strategic contexts to describe leading a forceful assault.  

    Lunge Forward: This phrase conveys the idea of making a sudden and aggressive forward movement.  

    Barrel Forward: While not an idiom, it describes moving forward with great force and momentum.  

    Charge Like a Bull: This idiom signifies moving forward aggressively and recklessly.  

    Surge Ahead: This expression means to move forward rapidly and forcefully, often with a sense of energy and determination.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #19
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