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by Yenn Shim Sep 01. 2023

Idioms #21

Forge Ahead!

The phrase "forge ahead" means to move forward with determination, courage, and persistence, especially in the face of challenges, obstacles, or adversity. It implies making progress, often in a steady and resolute manner, despite difficulties or setbacks. "Forge ahead" conveys the idea of pushing forward towards a goal or destination, refusing to be discouraged or deterred by obstacles along the way. It reflects a strong sense of determination and a willingness to overcome difficulties to achieve success or reach a desired outcome.

Here are some idiomatic expressions and phrases that convey a similar meaning to "forge ahead," which means to move forward with determination:  

    Press On: This idiom signifies the act of continuing with determination and resolve, regardless of obstacles.  

    Keep Moving Forward: This phrase encourages progress and perseverance, emphasizing the importance of not stopping or looking back.  

    March On: This expression conveys the idea of advancing steadily and resolutely, often in the face of challenges.  

    Soldier On: This idiom means to keep going, especially when dealing with adversity or difficulties.  

    Plow Ahead: This phrase suggests pushing forward with determination, much like a plow cutting through soil.  

    Keep the Ball Rolling: This idiom encourages maintaining momentum and progress in a task or endeavor.  

    Forge Onward: This expression implies moving forward with strength and determination, overcoming obstacles in the process.  

    Charge On: This idiom conveys the idea of advancing forcefully and resolutely, often used in a metaphorical sense.  

    Press Ahead: This phrase means to continue moving forward, often in the face of resistance or challenges.  

    Drive Forward: This idiom signifies advancing with energy and determination, often with a sense of purpose.  

    Move Full Steam Ahead: This expression suggests moving forward with maximum effort and determination, like a steam-powered engine.  

    Keep Your Nose to the Grindstone: While not directly related to "forge ahead," this phrase means to work diligently and persistently, often leading to progress.  

    Stay the Course: This idiom encourages remaining on the chosen path or continuing with a plan, regardless of difficulties.  

    Keep the Wheels Turning: This phrase signifies maintaining progress and productivity, often in a business or organizational context.  

    Press Forward: This expression conveys the idea of advancing with determination and focus, even when faced with challenges.  

    Keep the Faith: While not directly related to "forge ahead," this phrase encourages maintaining belief and confidence in one's goals and abilities.  

    Charge Ahead Like a Bull: This idiom means to move forward aggressively and resolutely, often overcoming obstacles with force.  

    Plunge Ahead: This phrase suggests moving forward quickly and decisively, often without hesitation.  

    Advance Unwaveringly: This idiom conveys the idea of progressing steadily and persistently, without being deterred.  

    Carry On: This expression means to continue with one's actions or plans, often in the face of adversity.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #20
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