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Idioms #22

Immediately, On sight

by Morado Sep 01. 2023

"On sight" is an informal expression that means as soon as something is seen or encountered. It typically implies an immediate reaction or response to someone or something without any delay, thought, or hesitation. For example, if someone says they will confront a person "on sight," it means they will confront that person immediately upon seeing them. It can also refer to recognizing or identifying something or someone as soon as it comes into view. "On sight" is often used in informal speech and is not typically used in formal or professional contexts.

    At First Glance: This phrase suggests forming an immediate impression or judgment upon seeing something or someone.  

    On the Spot: This idiom means taking immediate action or making a decision without delay.  

    Right Away: This expression signifies doing something promptly or immediately after seeing or realizing it.  

    Without Hesitation: This phrase conveys the idea of acting or reacting instantly, without any delay or doubt.  

    In the Blink of an Eye: While not directly related to "on sight," this idiom describes something happening extremely quickly or suddenly.  

    In an Instant: This expression means happening immediately or within a very short period of time.  

    Without Delay: This idiom suggests taking action or responding promptly, without waiting.  

    Without Thinking Twice: This phrase signifies acting or making a decision without any hesitation or second thoughts.  

    Straight Off: This expression conveys the idea of doing something immediately or right after seeing it.  

    Right on Cue: While not directly related to "on sight," this idiom means happening at the exact moment it's expected or needed.  

    Without a Second's Pause: This phrase means acting or reacting without any pause or delay.  

    Without a Moment's Hesitation: This idiom implies taking immediate action without any doubt or hesitation.  

    At the Drop of a Hat: While not directly related to "on sight," this idiom means doing something instantly or without any delay.  

    Without Any Waiting: This expression suggests taking action or reacting immediately, without any waiting time.  

    Without a Split Second: This idiom conveys the idea of acting or reacting instantly, without any fraction of a second's delay.  

    Without Delay: This phrase signifies doing something promptly or without any hesitation.  

    Straight Away: This idiom means immediately or without delay.  

    On the Spot: This expression conveys the idea of taking immediate action or making a decision right away.  

    In a Jiffy: This idiom suggests doing something quickly and immediately.  

    In the Blink of an Eye: This phrase describes something happening extremely quickly or suddenly.  

    Without Hesitation: This idiom means acting or responding promptly, without any pause.  

    In an Instant: This expression conveys the idea of something happening immediately or in a very short period of time.  

    At the Drop of a Hat: This idiom signifies doing something instantly or without any delay.  

    Right Off the Bat: While not directly related to "immediately," this phrase implies doing something right away, without delay.  

    Without Missing a Beat: This idiom means responding or acting promptly, without any interruption.  

    Like a Shot: This expression suggests taking swift and immediate action.  

    Without a Moment's Hesitation: This idiom implies taking action or making a decision instantly, without any doubt or hesitation.  

    On the Double: While not directly related to "immediately," this phrase means doing something quickly and with urgency.  

    Before You Can Say Jack Robinson: This idiom conveys the idea of something happening so quickly that it's over before you realize it.  

    At the Speed of Light: While not directly related to "immediately," this phrase describes something happening extremely fast.  

    Without Any Waiting: This expression suggests taking action or reacting without any waiting time.  

    Without a Second Thought: This idiom means doing something instantly or without any second-guessing.  

    Without a Split Second: This phrase conveys the idea of acting or reacting instantly, without any fraction of a second's delay.  

    Without a Hitch: While not directly related to "immediately," this phrase means without any problems or delays.  

    Right at This Moment: This expression emphasizes the current and immediate time.  

작가의 이전글 Idioms #21

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