
매거진 해녀의 꿈

You can make anything
by writing


by 정여해 Jul 16. 2021

Anger of Haenyeo

Scuba diver's collecting is illegal

Even during the rainy season, all weak long I spent the Jeju rainy season gathering its energy that the rain would be pouring down for a long time. It would have rained on land with this humidity. It didn't rain dawdlly for a long time. Even if it rained, it rained little by little. By the check of Jeju Ragional Meterological Administration humidity is over 90% to 100%. I felt the same way. Meanwhile when it's time for Haenyeo school on Saturday, it shows such a wonderful sae and sky.

5 meters diving exercise

Going into more from the sea we normally went into, we practiced underwater together at a depth of 5 meters. The sky and the sea were nice, and so we had the good view. And the water becomes muddy quickly because the tips of fins touch at a low water, but at a depth of 5 meters, otherwise, we could watch many sea urchins and fish in good sight. 

It's the playground of Haenyeo school where we can see anchovies.

I saw three turban shells, but I looked at them and went too far, or after collecting them they sent to the sea because of no collecting period. I didn't catch sea urchin, annoying to peel them, instead it's fun to pick up trash.

Haenyeo protecting the field of Haenyeo

Something violent happened during the water work today. The sea of the Haenyeo school belongs to the field of Kui-duk-2-ri Haenyeo, and it is the sea for Haenyeo experience and the students of Haenyeo school. But stopping people from entering the Haenyeo field beyond the boundary, it makes them not to violate the means of livelihood of Haenyeo. The yellow buoy is between yellow dock on the left and rock on the right. That is exactly the boundary.

There is a Haenyeo experience center where tourists visit next to the Haenyeo school. Though it's a "Haenyeo experience", it is a snorkeling with a Tae-wak. Even a lead belt isn't given. The Haenyeo experience center scattered Sea urchin for them to pick up very low deep in ther water. Water safety personnel work here, they were acting to keep students or the experience people from going deep by any chance, staying over the field of Haenyeo. In the meantime the Haenyeo uncle working in the water with the Haenyeo school students misunderstood that experience people were pulling things out of the Haenyeo field. She scolded loudly the man (safety personnel), and she complained to the Haenyeo school staffs.

"What do we do if young people who are much better at water works(Mul-jil, 물질) than we are go over it? At sea where we haven't even started water work yet! Where you taught not to go over there or not?! The problem is the Haenyeo experience!"

The Haenyeo uncle showed a beautiful smile picking sea urchins and sea cucumbers, but I saw for the first time her rough energy trained across this world and the other world. To shout out loud and loud is because her ears were hard of hearing by age and water work, and it is said that her voice has grown naturally. It was the safety personnel who went over, and it was the man who didn't pick up anything, and his role was to keep an eye on other people not to go over. This explanation didn't resolve her misunderstanding. The 80-year-old very angry Haenyeo left work on her own. 

I can't forget Haenyeo uncle to be so angry. I decided to look into the Haenyeo's love for the sea and the conflict with scuba diver.  

Illegal to collect with scuba gear 

Chapter 2 of the Fisheries Act is about licensed fishing. Paragraph 1 of Article 8 means that to fish requires a license. In Article 10 organizations that do not intend to fish can not obtain a fishing license, and there is a clause that says fishing can not be done.

Article 8 (license fishery)

 A person who intend to fish under any of the following numbers needs to get license from the mayor, the county governor, and the head of a borough

1. Fixed shore net fishing : The fishing industry that captures sea animals compartmentalizing a certain sea surface, and installing the fishing gear defined by the presidential decree in a certain place

2. deletion 

3. deletion

4. deletion

5. deletion

6. Village fishing : The fishing industry that manages and creates shellfish, algae, and settleable sea animal and captures them, compartmentalizing a sea surface close to the shore within the certain of depth of water

7. deletion

8. deletion

Article 10 (Reasons for disqualification of license) The mayor, the county governor, the head of the borough should not grant fishing license to a person who corresponds to any of the following numbers. <revision 2019.8.27>

1. A corporation or an organization that does not intent to fish

2. A person whose area combined fishery area of acquired fishery right and fishery area of fishery right requested is more than specified by presidential decree.

3. deletion

4. A person who has not been 2 years after it is confirmed that it will not be executed or whose execution is completed, being sentenced to imprisonment or more for violating this Law, ⌜Fishing Ground Management Act⌟, ⌜Fisheries Industry Development Act⌟, ⌜Fishing Vessels Act⌟ or ⌜Fisheries Resources Management Act⌟. (It also includes what it sees as the end of the execution) 

5. A person who is during the period of probation, being sentenced to probation of imprisonment or more for violating this law. ⌜Fishing Ground Management Act⌟, ⌜Fisheries Industry Development Act⌟, ⌜Fishing Vessels Act⌟ or ⌜Fisheries Resources Management Act⌟. 

6. A person who has not been 2 years after the fine is confirmed, being sentenced to a fine of more than one million won for violating this law. ⌜Fishing Ground Management Act⌟, ⌜Fisheries Industry Development Act⌟, ⌜Fishing Vessels Act⌟ or ⌜Fisheries Resources Management Act⌟.


In other words, according to this law, skin scuba divers are not the organization to aim at fishing, not getting a license, it's illegal for them to collect sea products.

Haenyeo sowing seeds in the sea field 

People know that "wild" fish and shellfish are born naturally, but in fact the seed discharge business is being done every year. They are abalone, blue abalone, and turban shell etc. The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries is involved in it. Province Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries produces the seeds of abalone, blue abalone, and turban shell in itself, and releases about 2 million of them every year. In Jeju-do spending about 2 billion won every year, buying seeds produced in the cultivation facility, and they release free to the village fishing ground.

When getting the seeds, Haenyeo-s themselves go out to their sea field and sow the seeds choosing the day winds and waves are weak.

The government provides farmers with money by fostering agriculture, they buy the seeds with the money, and they sow the seeds in their field and do farming. Do we go into their rice paddy and field and take agricultural products arbitrarily? Of course not. The same goes for Haenyeo's sea field.

The infertile sea because of an aqualung fishing 

Aqualung fishing is the fishing method that diver collects turban shell, abalone etc, getting air delivered through rubber hose. She(he) can work for more than 3 hours at a depth of 20 meters or more. It seems convenient to work a little and collect a lot, but eventually it exhausted fishery resources. Therefore Jeju special Self-Governing Province bought all 24 submersible fishing ships and scrapped them, and then banned aqualung fishing.

It would be convenient to carry an air container, why do Haenyeo-s work so hard holding their breath? Like this the reasonable doubt of modern people is not the way to coexist with nature. Going into the sea with nothing on, Haenyeo bring as much as the sea gives and bring as much as they can stand being out of breath. It's the way Haenyeo works with nature, and the way to coexist withg nature. It's inefficient, uncomfortable and frustrating, but it's the wisdom of Jeju Haenyeo who have stayed in the sea for a long time.

We must respect the way of life of Haenyeo

May, 2021, while scuba diving at Seop-Seom(섶섬), I have seen scuba divers carrying equipment pick up seafood with Ho-mang-yi. In fact, I was suspicious of what I saw. I was wondering if anyone would even do that. Going there, I wanted to shout out like Haenyeo uncle. In deep water that I couldn't more quickly, anyway even if I spoke, they couldn't hear my voice. 

While diving in Jeju sea, Haenyeo's shouting can be heard. If the means of our living is invaded, we would get angry and demonstrate. The same goes for Haenyeo. Don't listen to them paltrily because they are old, and women. There people are patron saint protecting the Jeju sea and nature.

#JeJu_Hansupul_Haenyeo_school #Jeju_Haenyeo_school #Hansupul_Haenyeo_school 

#Hansupul #Haenyeo_school #Haenyeo 

#UNESCO #Jeju_Haenyeo_culture #Jeju_Haenyeo #Jeju #Jejudo #Jeju_island 

#Korea #Korea_jeju #Korea_haenyeo #Korea_haenyeo_school


#to_become_Haenyeo #how_to_become_Haenyeo

#free_diving #freediving #free_diver #freediver

#diving_medicine #diaphragm_contraction #equalizing 

#sea_flow #tidal_current #tide #tide_time

#Tewak #Haenyeo_equipment

#Haenyeo_school_class #Haenyeo_class #Haenyeo_dive #Haenyeo_swimming #Haenyeo_finning #duck_dive #mural_painting 

#sea_urchin #mul_Jil #Haenyeo_muljil

#disease_of_Haenyeo #chronic_disease_of_Haenyeo 


#illegal_collecting_shellfish #scuba_divers #conflict_between_Haenyeo_and_scuba_divers #field_of_Haenyeo #Sea_field #seafield #aqualung #aqualung_fishing #infertile_sea

매거진의 이전글 Let's make the Tae-Wak
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