
You can make anything
by writing


by 후루츠캔디 Oct 08. 2023

I believe in myself

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I believe in myself

by Emma Dodd

I believe in me. There is nothing I can not do.

That's what you have taught me, and I believe in you!

I believe in me, and though I may be small, I hold my head up as high as if I am ten feets tall.

I believe in me. i am as good as all the rest.

I know I can do anything if I just try my best.

I believe in me, and if anythinggoes wrong, I will never, ever give up; I am learning to be strong.

I believe in me, but if the clouds are grey...

I know the sun will shine for me again, another day.

I believe in me, and when the path gets tough, I always keep on going because i am enough.

I believe in me, I am reaching for the sky.

Everything is possible if I am brave enough to try.

I believe in me, and you are my biggest fan. Every time I think I can not, you tell me that I can!

As I look uponyour face, in your smile I see...there is nothing I can not do when I believe in me.

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