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by 김종찬 Mar 05. 2024


Lee Jae-myeong, Central Party monopolize

이재명 비례후보 중앙당 면접관 4명 독식 정당법 당헌당규 위반 민주주의 파기     

이재명 민주당 대표가 비례대표 국회의원 후보추전을 중앙당 추천위 지명 4명 면접관의 점수독식제로 비밀면접에서 지방당 원천 배제를 강행해 정당법과 당규의 ‘비례대표 후보선출 시도당 공천관리위 설치’ 위반하고 민주주의 파기를 보인다.

민주당 단독 후보에 이미 추천된당 비례후보추천위원회 간사인 김성환 의원은 4일 기자들에게 "비례대표 선발은 서류 심사 면접 심사 거치는 데 심사위원은 저만 내부인이고 모두 외부인으로 채워졌다. 심사 채점표는 기존에 해왔던 방식대로 이뤄진다"고 ‘중앙당 추천위’ 단독의 서류 면접 심사 점수제에 의한 선별로 밝혔다.

김 의원은 5일 “지난달 26일 최고위원회의에서 오는 10일까지 비례 후보 추천해야 시점을 두고 비례 공관위 구성을 전략공관위의 대행으로 결정했다”고 비례의원 추전 전체가 ‘전략공관위 이관’으로 ‘당규 위반’을 확인했다.

그는 "이번에는 비례정당 참여 결정을 먼저 했는데, 비례를 어떻게 선발할지가 정해지지 않아 별도의 당헌·당규에 따른 절차를 밟기 어려웠다"고 당규 위반을 이날 시인했다.

그는 당규 위반에 의한 비례후보 선출에 대해 “비례 후보를 공모하고, 그 결과에 따라 서류와 면접 심사를 통해 공정히 선발하기로 한 것”이라고 밝혔다.

민주당은 이 대표가 최고위에서 결정한 방식인 비례심사를 △정체성 △의정활동능력 △전문성 △공익활동 기여도 △도덕성 기준표에 따른 점수제 서류 심사에 걸러지고, 서류 통과 후보를 두고 비례추천분과위원장 1명과 3명의 위원 면접에 의해 결정한다.

김 의원은 5일 기자들에게 면접관에 대해 “김진이 전 세월호참사특별조사위원회 팀장, 송윤정 나라살림연구소 선임연구원, 은민수 서강대 교수 등 외부 인사 3명과 저 한 사람”이라고 4인에 의한 국회의원 선출을 밝혔다.

정당법은 ‘정당’을 <공직선거의 후보자를 추천 또는 지지함으로써 국민의 정치적 의사형성에 참여함을 목적으로 하는 국민의 자발적 조직을 말한다>고 규정해, ‘후보 추천’을 ‘국민의 의사형성 참여’로 제한해 ‘추천권의 임의적 행사’와 구분했다.

정당법 28조 8항은 <공직선거후보자 선출에 관한 사항>을 의무 규정했고, 민주당 당규는 19조 1항으로 <비례대표후보자 추천심사를 위해 중앙당과 시·도당에 비례대표후보자추천관리위원회(비례대표공천관리위원회) 선거일 60일 전까지 최고위원회의 의결로 설치한다>고 규정해 시도당의 공천관리위 역할을 분명하게 명시했다.

당규 28조는 <④시·도당비례대표공천관리위원회의 위원장과 위원은 시·도당상무위원회의 의결을 거쳐 시·도당위원장이 당대표에게 추천하고, 최고위원회의 심의를 거쳐 당대표가 임명한다>고 ‘시도당비례공천위’ 임명을 명시했고, 이의 결함은 비례대표선출에 위배에 해당된다. 

정당법은 ‘제36조의2(비례대표국회의원선거의 후보자추천)’ 조항을 별도로 두고, < 정당이 '공직선거법' 47조 1항 및 2에 따라 비례대표국회의원선거의 후보자를 추천하는 경우에는 당헌 당규 또는 그 밖의 내부규약 등으로 정하는 바에 따라 민주적 절차를 거쳐 추천할 후보자를 결정한다>라고 ‘민주 절차를 강제했다.

정당법은 <제3조(구성) 정당은 수도에 소재하는 중앙당과 특별시ㆍ광역시ㆍ도에 각각 소재하는 시ㆍ도당(이하 “시ㆍ도당”이라 한다)으로 구성한다>에서, 28조 8항은 ‘공직선거후보자 선출에 관한 사항’에 ‘공개 의무’를 법률로 부과했다.     

민주당 당헌 3조는 <②더불어민주당은 당원을 중심으로 운영하되, 국민의 폭넓은 지지를 기반으로 한다> <④더불어민주당은 정당의 3권 분립과 중앙당과 시·도당의 분권 등을 통해 정당민주주의를 구현한다>로 특정 규정했다.

이재명 대표의 공천관리위는 2일 이 대표 현 지역구인 인천 계양을에 단수 공천하고, 비례대표공천위 간사인 김성환 의원(서울 노원을) 조정식 사무총장(경기 시흥을)을 단수 공천했다.

당규는 전략공천위를 별도 규정해 당규 <제13조(선정심사) ①전략공천위원회는 당헌 제87조의2제2항 및 제89조, 제91조에 따른 전략 선거구(후보자를 포함한다) 선정 심사를 한다>고 ‘선거구’에 대상을 제한했다. 

당규는 4조 ‘공직후보자선출위원회’에서 <④시·도당공직선거후보자검증위원회의 위원장과 위원은 시·도당운영위원회의 심의를 거쳐 시·도당위원장이 당대표에게 추천하고, 최고위원회의 심의를 거쳐 당대표가 임명한다>로 ‘시도당위원회’에 강제 규정했다. 

Lee Jae-myeong, proportional candidate, Central Party monopolizes 4 interviewers, violates the political party law and party constitution, destroys democracy

Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party, enforced the exclusion of local party sources from secret interviews by using a point-taking system for four interviewers nominated by the Central Party Recommendation Committee to select candidates for proportional representation members of the National Assembly, thereby violating the Political Party Act and party regulations, 'Establishment of Provincial Party Nomination Management Committee for Proportional Representative Candidate Selection' and destroying democracy. shows.

Rep. Kim Seong-hwan, secretary of the party's proportional candidate recommendation committee, who has already been recommended as the Democratic Party's sole candidate, told reporters on the 4th, "The selection of proportional representatives goes through document screening, interview, and screening, and I am the only judge, and all of the judges are outsiders. The evaluation scorecard is the same as before. “It will be done the same way it has been done,” he said, saying the selection was based solely on the Central Party Recommendation Committee’s document interview review score system.

Representative Kim said on the 5th, “At the Supreme Council meeting on the 26th of last month, it was decided that proportional candidates should be recommended by the 10th of this month, and the formation of the proportional diplomatic committee was decided to act as an agent for the strategic diplomatic committee.” 'Violation of party regulations' was confirmed.

He admitted to violating the party rules on this day, saying, "This time, I first decided to participate in a proportional political party, but it was difficult to follow the separate procedures according to the party constitution and rules because it was not decided how to select the proportional party."

This is a method in which four people elect members of the National Assembly.

Regarding the election of proportional candidates in violation of party rules, he said, “We decided to invite proportional candidates and select them fairly through document and interview screening based on the results.”

The Democratic Party's proportional review, which is the method decided by Representative Lee at the highest level, is filtered through a point-based document review based on △ identity △ legislative activity ability △ expertise △ contribution to public interest activities △ morality, and the candidates who pass the documents are selected by one chairman of the proportional recommendation subcommittee and three members. It is decided by interview with the committee members.

Representative Kim told reporters on the 5th that the interviewers were “three outsiders, including Kim Jin-i, former team leader of the Sewol Ferry Disaster Special Investigation Committee, Song Yun-jeong, a senior researcher at the National Living Research Institute, and Sogang University professor Eun Min-soo, and one person.”

The Political Parties Act defines 'political party' as <refers to a voluntary organization of the people whose purpose is to participate in the formation of the people's political opinion by recommending or supporting candidates for public elections>, and defines 'candidate recommendation' as 'participation in the formation of the people's opinion.' ' and distinguished it from 'arbitrary exercise of the right to recommend.'

Article 28, Paragraph 8 of the Political Party Act stipulates <Matters related to the selection of candidates for public office>, and the Democratic Party's rules stipulate in Article 19, Paragraph 1, <To review the recommendation of proportional representation candidates, the central party and city/provincial parties must establish a proportional representative candidate recommendation management committee (proportional representative candidate recommendation management committee). The role of the nomination management committee of the provincial and provincial party was clearly specified by stipulating that the representative nomination management committee shall be established by resolution of the Supreme Committee at least 60 days before the election date.

The Political Parties Act has a separate provision, 'Article 36-2 (Recommendation of Candidates for Proportional Representative National Assembly Elections)', and states, In this case, the 'democratic procedure' was enforced, saying, "The candidate to be recommended is decided through a democratic procedure in accordance with the party constitution, party rules, or other internal regulations."

Article 28 of the party rules states <④The chairperson and members of the city/provincial party proportional representative nomination management committee are recommended by the city/provincial party chairperson to the party representative after a resolution by the city/provincial party standing committee, and are appointed by the party representative after deliberation by the supreme committee.> The appointment of a 'proportional nomination committee per city/province' was specified, and any defect in this constitutes a violation of proportional representation election.

Article 3 of the Democratic Party's constitution states: <②The Democratic Party of Korea shall operate centered on party members, but is based on broad support from the public> <④The Democratic Party of Korea shall promote party democracy through the separation of powers into three political parties and decentralization between the central party and city/provincial parties. It was specifically stipulated as “implement”.

On the 2nd, Representative Lee Jae-myung's Nomination Management Committee made a single nomination to Gyeyang-eul, Incheon, which is Representative Lee's current constituency, and also nominated Rep. Kim Seong-hwan (Nowon-eul, Seoul), Secretary-General of the Proportional Representative Nomination Committee, and Secretary-General Jo Jeong-sik (Siheung-eul, Gyeonggi-do).

The party regulations separately provide for the Strategic Nomination Committee. <Article 13 (Selection Review) ① The Strategic Nomination Committee reviews the selection of strategic constituencies (including candidates) in accordance with Article 87-2 (2), Article 89, and Article 91 of the Party Constitution. The target was limited to ‘electoral districts.’

Party rules stipulate in Article 4, 'Public Official Candidate Selection Committee': It was forcibly stipulated in the ‘City and Provincial Party Committee’ that the party leader appoints the party leader.

Kim Seong-hwan, party constitution, Democratic Party of Korea, interviewer, proportional candidate, Lee Jae-myung, point system, party democracy, political party law, Central Party, party rules,    

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