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by 김종찬 Mar 18. 2024


Yang Moon-seok ‘Roh Moo-hyun traitor dep

양문석 ‘노무현 매국노 국외추방’ 유시민 ‘비판정당’ 이재명 ‘추천유지’   


양문석 민주당 후보가 ‘노무현 매국노’와 ‘국외추방’을 시도했던 반면, 유시민 전 이사장은 ‘비판 정당’을 발표했고, 이재명 대표는 ‘추천 유지’를 18일 밝혔다.

양 후보는 2007년 2월 15일 '언론노보' <매국노는 매국노라고 불러야 한다>에서 "매국노는 매국노라고 불러야 하며, '가면 쓴 미국인'이 한국인 행세하는 것을 폭로하고 그들이 더 이상 한국 땅을 밟지 못하도록 공항을 폐쇄해 쫓아내야 한다. 다행히 앞서 언급한 '미국인'들이 모두 스페인과 미국에 나가 있다는 사실에 우리는 주목해야 한다"고 밝혔다.

노무현 전 대통령은 당시 스페인 방문 중이라서 ‘매국노’ 규정에 이은 ‘국외 추방’을 요구한 것에 해당된다.

양 후보는 "어렵게 80년 대학문화로부터 각성된 한국의 대중문화가 이제 '귤이 회수를 건너더니 탱자가 되었네'하고 평가할 만한 대중적 기반을 겨우 만들었더니, 노무현·김종훈·김현종·한덕수와 같은 '가면 쓴 미국인'들에 의해 또다시 쩍쩍 금이 가고 물이 새기 시작했다"고 실명 비난했고 이후 언개련 사무총장에서 방통위 상임위원이 됐다.

유 전 노무현재단 이사장은 김어준 방송에서 “일단 우리나라 국회에는 노무현 대통령을 비하, 조롱, 비방했던 정치인들이 한두 명이 아니다”며 “그런 말을 했다고 정치인 양문석을 싫어할 수 있다. 그러나 그걸 갖고 ‘너는 공직자 될 자격이 없어’라는 진입장벽으로 쓰는 건 노무현 대통령을 모욕하는 행위라고 본다”고 18일 ‘후보유지’를 요구했다.

이재명 민주당 대표는 18일 기자들에게 양 후보에 대해 "책임을 물을 것인지는 국민들께서 판단할 것"이라 발표해 ‘공천 유지’를 공식화했다.

이 대표는 이날 기자들에게 "국민을 주권자로 인정하지 않거나 일부 지역을 폄하하는 발언에 대해서는 엄정한 책임을 물어야 한다"며 "대한민국 국민으로서 정체성이 의심되는 발언이야말로 진정 국민이 책임을 물어야 할 막말"이라고 ‘국민 직접 투표권’에서 ‘ 정당 공직 추천제도’를 삭제했다. 

민주당 ‘당헌’은 12장 ’공직선거’ 별항을 두고 ‘심사기준’(97조)로 <정체성, 기여도, 의정활동 능력, 도덕성, 당선가능성>을 명시했다.

당헌의 심사기준에는 특히 <중대한 해당행위 전력이 있는 자 등 공직선거 후보자로 추천되기에 명백히 부적합한 사유가 있는 자는 배제한다>고 규정해 국민 투표이전에 정당의 ‘직접 판별’을 엄격히 적용했다.


Yang Moon-seok ‘Roh Moo-hyun’s traitor should be deported abroad’, Ryu Si-min ‘criticism is justified’, Lee Jae-myeong ‘recommendation maintained’

While Democratic Party candidate Yang Moon-seok attempted to ‘deport Roh Moo-hyun’s traitor’, former Chairman Yoo Si-min announced a ‘criticism party’, and Representative Lee Jae-myeong announced on the 18th that he would ‘maintain the recommendation’.

On February 15, 2007, Candidate Yang said in the Press News <Traitors must be called traitors>, “Traitors should be called traitors, and we must expose ‘masked Americans’ pretending to be Koreans and prevent them from setting foot on Korean soil anymore. "We need to close the airports and drive them out. Fortunately, we should note that all the 'Americans' mentioned above are out in Spain and the United States," he said.

Since former President Roh Moo-hyun was visiting Spain at the time, he was demanding ‘expatriation’ following the ‘traitor’ rule.

Candidate Yang said, "Korea's popular culture, which has been difficult to awaken from the university culture of the 1980s, has now managed to create a public base that can be evaluated as 'Gyul crossed the river and became Tangja', and 'mask people' such as Roh Moo-hyun, Kim Jong-hoon, Kim Hyun-jong, and Han Deok-soo have emerged." He criticized his real name, saying, "The 'bitter Americans' have cracked and started leaking water again," and later went from Secretary General of Ungaeryun to a standing member of the Korea Communications Commission.

Former Roh Moo-hyun Foundation Chairman Yoo said in a broadcast by Kim Eo-jun, “First of all, there are more than one or two politicians in our country’s National Assembly who belittled, ridiculed and slandered President Roh Moo-hyun,” and added, “You can hate politician Yang Moon-seok just because he said such things. However, using that as a barrier to entry by saying, ‘You are not qualified to be a public official,’ I think it is an act of insulting President Roh Moo-hyun,” he said on the 18th, calling for ‘maintenance of the candidacy.’

On the 18th, Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party, announced to reporters that “the people will decide whether to hold candidate Yang accountable,” making it official that he would “maintain the nomination.”

Representative Lee told reporters on this day, “We must be held strictly accountable for comments that do not recognize the people as sovereign or disparage certain regions,” and added, “Remarks that question our identity as citizens of the Republic of Korea are truly outrageous words for which the people should be held accountable.” The ‘party recommendation system’ was deleted from the ‘citizens’ direct voting rights’.

The Democratic Party’s ‘party constitution’ has a separate clause on ‘public election elections’ in Chapter 12 and specifies <identity, contribution, ability to engage in legislative activities, morality, and electability> as the ‘examination criteria’ (Article 97).

The review criteria of the party constitution specifically stipulated that “those who have reasons for being clearly unsuitable to be recommended as candidates for public office elections, such as those with a history of serious conduct, are excluded,” strictly applying the ‘direct identification’ of political parties before the referendum.

Recommendation for public office, deportation from overseas, Roh Moo-hyun traitor, Korea Communications Commission, Moon-seok Yang, Eongae-ryeon, Media News Service, Si-min Yoo, Jae-myeong Lee, maintenance of recommendation, recommendation for public office


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