
매거진 Writing Lab

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by Yenn Shim Mar 03. 2024

Blue Nova Launch Speech

Emperor Saito’s Keynote Speech

The following is Emperor Saito’s Keynote Speech at the launch event of the product Blue Nova.

Hello, everyone.

I understand that my presence here may raise some eyebrows, but I stand before you today to share a brief story.

Everyone knows that I was never destined to ascend to the throne of Great East Asia. This position, although it holds no power, was intended for my brother Asahi.

Indeed, I have always been a prince of the GEA, but I’ve always seen myself as an ordinary individual with a dream. My aspiration? To become an international attorney. That was my grand ambition. Throughout my time at university, I witnessed the struggles of my peers, their families, and their communities. Struggling to survive and hoping to thrive.

I’ve wanted something miraculous. Something that could turn their hopes and dreams into reality. I wanted a way to empower them to achieve their dreams. That’s when I started to dream about the future of Blue Nova with Ryan.

A year and a half ago, tragedy struck with the bombing that took my father and brother. This tragedy thrust me into the spotlight as the Emperor, a symbolic figure burdened with the weight of royal lineage. ‘No more ordinary life for me,’ I thought.

That’s why I deliberated endlessly on whether I should stand here before you today. I was acutely aware that this event would likely fuel rumors of sinister plots within the royal court, aimed at seizing control through wealth. Despite my apprehensions, I stand here now, knowing the potential consequences because I now understand it is my humble duty to proudly introduce the work, dreamed by me, and realized by my great friend Mr. Sakamoto.

Here I am now, standing here as one of you — a dreamer and a survivor. And yes, as your Emperor. So that I can tell you today is worth celebrating as we just witnessed the beginning of a historic breakthrough that will bring us a brighter future.

Let me finish with words that I believe my father, Emperor Showa, would have spoken: “With Blue Nova, we now witness the dawn of a new era, where prosperity unfurls. Behold, as this beacon illuminates the path to boundless riches and brings forth smiles upon the GEA and all of our states.”

Thank you.

매거진의 이전글 Blue Nova
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