
매거진 Writing Lab

You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Apr 14. 2024

Rabbit Post 2

Omg. SoB Ep.2 Is Crazy!


Guys, holy shit. Can we talk about that cliffhanger at the end of episode 2? I was just about to switch off since the show seemed to be all about the modern history surrounding Blue Nova. And then bam! The last line from the narrator? Totally unexpected, right? I had no clue this docuseries would dive into a personal story.

Death? What do you think it’s all about? Cartel stuff? Corruption? Seriously, I have no idea!!!

Episode 2 script is here!



Because of the high demand and the impossible accessibility due to the price, I bet folks were willing to commit any kind of crime. Demand attracts money, right? There must have been some seriously seedy businesses involved.


I don’t know, man. Maybe it could be about addiction? I mean, sure, it was proven that the stuff is safe, but who knows? Maybe we’ve been unknowingly consuming some kind of new drug.


It could be anything, really. Like truecrimejunky said, when something attracts that much attention, it can cause all sorts of problems. I’m hyped for the third episode, though. Can’t wait to see where this goes.

매거진의 이전글 SOB-Ep. 2 (Text Version)
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