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라이킷 9 공유 작가의 글을 SNS에 공유해보세요

You can make anything
by writing



by 고형희 Jan 15. 2025

sometimes i feel like happy, and sometimes i feel like pain.

i was so painful in the afternoon

i visited to hospital.. in the morning. but it is not my pain’s reason. it just check out my phisical condition. my painful feeling is by my legal problem when i’m took a call at my tex company.

 i think it’s gonna be too hard time through this year..

what will be, will be. and i will be tolerate with painful feeling

i am a… feels like little bit sad. today.

why am i standing this position?

why is life too painful?

why am i can’t choice anything?

when be will ended this pain?

i’m still don’t know. and i will be don’t know..

i just pray for ended what my feeling to pain.



i just having at my heart to hope that someday it’s gonna be ended.

life is so cruel.. i can’t control anything.

but i tried. and tried. and tried. again. again. again. and again.

that is just one choice i can do.

sometimes i am so sad.. but i tried to laughed by talking or writting or any conversation or spend money or coordinate my body for myself. that act is gonna be refresh my mental. but i wanna be feels safety all the time. well.. someday. someday.. i might be have or not. but i wanna be get that feeling. i want to.

it’s too hard way..

life is.. how lonely..!

but i’m still alive today.

tommorw became come to certainly and i will put up with uncertainly.


cheer up. for myself. you can do it.

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