우리 딸이 미국 8학년에 들어간 지 3개월 반이 지났는데, 요즘 진학할 고등학교에 수강신청을 하는 시간이란다. 좀 이른감이 있지만,내년 9월부터 고등학생이 된다니...
고등학교에서 선생님이 오셔서 이런저런 이야기도 해줬고, 나는 뭐뭐뭐를 수강할 거라며, 뭐라고 했는데 나도 바쁜 관계로 다 까먹었다.
우리 아이가 그림솜씨가 남들보다 약간 소질이 있는데, art 1을 skip 하고 art2를 수강하기 위하여 몇 가지 노력을 해야만 한다. 담당 선생님에게 나의 포트폴리오를 리뷰해 줄 수 있는지 리뷰 리퀘스트를 해야 한다. art2로 바로 수강을 하면 그다음 학년 수업이 포토그래피여서 아이들이 공부할 시간이 더 많아질 수 있다는 것이 장점이라고 한다.
담당 선생님과 연락을 하여 아래의 내용을 채워서 보내라는 안내를 받았다. 중학교에서는 스패니쉬와 스트링을 하느라 art 수업을 못 들었고, 학원을 3년 다녔는데 학원선생님과 잘 이야기를 해봐야 할 것 같다. 아래를 한번 검토해보니 미래의 목표나, 나의 관심사, 장단점을 기술하는 부분이 나온다.역시 한국의 교육과는 좀 차이가 나는듯 하다.
If you are an 8th grader and are planning to take art in your freshman year of high school, then you will want to submit your portfolio to articulate your skills to your future high school department and possibly skip HS-ART 1 and go directly to Art 2. Please use the following guidelines to contact your feeder high school and submit your portfolio
PORTFOLIO Make sure that your portfolio has a minimum of 10 pieces of art that include the following: ● Multiple artworks that show examples of your observational drawing skills. (At least 3) ● Multiple artworks that show examples of work with personal meaning and thoughtful concepts. (At least 2) ● Multiple artworks that show a variety of dynamic compositions (most or all should showcase your ability to create a good composition). ● Artist statements with each artwork that describe the assignment, the artwork’s meaning, and how it was achieved. ● Sketchbook process slides ● An intro slide that gives all of your personal information including ○ Your full name ○ Your email address ○ Current school ○ Current art teacher ○ Number of years in middle school art ○ Your artistic strengths ○ Your artistic weaknesses ○ Your artistic goals ○ An intro image (it can be a photo of you, your work, or of something that represents you as an artist, however it must be an original image) ● A closing slide that serves as a letter of intent
CONTACTING YOUR FEEDER HIGH SCHOOL Once your portfolio is ready to go it is time to reach out to your feeder high school and submit a portfolio. BUT FIRST...make sure you sign up for ART 1 in HIGH SCHOOL! They can always move you to ART 2 but if they don’t have you on record then they won’t have the staffing to offer you a place. To express your interest to skip ART 1 in a high school art program, you must send a letter of interest to the art department.
TEMPLATE FOR EMAIL TO HIGH SCHOOL ART TEACHER The following is the “skeleton” for a proper email to your future high school art teacher. You should NOT just fill in the blanks, but rather you should take the following template and make it your own. High school teachers really want to hear WHY you want to be in art 2, WHY you love art making, and WHO you are as a person. Before sending your email, make sure you proofread it carefully. Perhaps get someone to take a look at it too. * * *
● Middle School Art Portfolio
● Incoming Art Student Portfolio
Dear Mr/Mrs. ________ My name is _____________ and I am taking Art at ____________ l with _________. I am interested in skipping Art 1 and taking Art 2 at __________ High School and wanted to submit my portfolio to you. The reason I want to skip to Art 2 is _____(Why you love art making, the art studio, and how you think you want art to be a part of your life in the long term ____________… Here is a direct link to my portfolio: I look forward to hearing from you and hope to be in art next year! Sincerely, (your name)