
You can make anything
by writing


by Peter Jeong Mar 28. 2017

[영어기사] 결혼식은 완벽한 날이 아니라 첫번째 날

Thank you wedding industry for sappin...

기사 이미지:


1. Having a pre-engagement party costs you a lot, and you may feel hard to say no to wedding planners, dress designers, make-up artists under the message of weddings: it's worth spending money to make the best day of one's life.

2. The wedding day is not the best day of one' life, it's the first day of a union.

3. Having a lovely time without going into debt is much valuable.

문장 요약

1. 경험: 결혼식이 마음도 통장도 박살냈다.

2. 부가 설명: 레스토랑을 빌려서 원하는데로 친구를 초대하고, 춤도 추고, 음식이랑 술도 준비하려니 만만치 않다.

3. 반응: 결혼식 비용이 높을 수록 이혼률이 높아진다는 연구 결과가 마음에 들지 않았다.

4. 약혼식: 파티를 하지 않으면 적은 비용으로 끝나지만 하려고 생각하면 어마어마한 비용이 든다.

5. 결혼 플래너: 특별한 날이라고 부추긴다.

6. 결혼 관련 직종: 드레스 디자이너, 메이크업 아티스트, 파티 등 지출을 권하는 결혼식.

7. 의견: 결혼식은 내 인생의 최고의 날이 아니라, 부부로서의 첫 번째 날. 빚 없는 행복한 시간이 더 값지다.


1. There is a study of the relation between the expenditure of wedding and the divorce rate. The more you spend on your marrige, the more likely it is that divorce is around the corner.


Your wedding is not the best day of your life, but it's the first day of a union.


Although the wedding day is not the best day of one's life, it sure is the special day of one's life. How we can make it more memorable and precious without put down a huge deposit?


to fall over oneselfe to do: do everthing you can do for someone because you want to please and impress them.

Planners fall over themselves to tell you that your "special day" must be an expression of your personalities and relationship.

Dream of mongoose: having too much / not having enough of something.

Even if you don't get the giant mongoose of your dreams.

to procure: to acquire / to obtain / to buy up

I have yet to procure any food, booze.

to ride down: to overtake / to capture

attempting to ride down the aisle on a giant mongoose.

be smug: pleased with oneself / complacent / pompous

I would have responded to this with a smug "duh!".

to instigate: to influence, to provoke, to kindle, to spur

People who look foward to their engatement instigate dreamy discussion abot flowers and frocks.


It's breaking my heart and my bank balance.

It's best if you express yourself with an entree of boiled chicken wrapped in cold.

You enter the grim, pinched world of people who look you up and down.

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