기타 이력 및 포트폴리오 1. 경력
- 현 진주교육대학교 사회과교육과 교수
- 현 Journal of Geography(SSCI) 편집위원
- 현 한국문인협회, 지구문학작가회의 정회원
- 현 한국지리환경교육학회 총무부장, 한국사회교과교육학회 학술2국장, 한국문화지리학회 편집위원
- 전 가톨릭관동대학교 지리교육과 교수(2018.3~2023.8)
- 전 대구광역시교육청(2003.3~2012.2.)
2. 주요 연구실적
- Lee, D.-M. 2023. How do narrative-based geospatial technologies contribute to the teaching of regional geography to preservice geography teachers? Journal of Geography, 122(4), 93-101.
- Lee, D.-M. 2023. The Potential and Merits of Narrative-Based Virtual Fieldwork in Preservice Geography Teacher Education. Education Sciences, 13(3), 259.
- Lee, D.-M. 2021. A Phenomenological approach to understanding the meaning and characteristics of primary geography teacher-researcher Identities. Journal of Geography, 120(4), 131-139.
- Lee, D.-M. 2020. Cultivating preservice geography teachers’ awareness of geography using Story Maps. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 44(3), 387-405.
- Lee, D.-M. 2020. A phenomenological study of the meaning of geography teacher-researcher identities. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 29(1), 23-39.
- Lee, D.-M. 2018. Toward a typology of changes in primary teachers' awareness of geography based on receiving graduate education. Journal of Geography, 117(5), 216-228.
- Lee, D.-M. 2018. A typological analysis of South Korean priamry teachers' awareness of primary geography education. Journal of Geography, 117(2), 75-87.
- Lee, D.-M. 2018. Using grounded theory to understand the recognition, reflection on, development, and effects of geography teachers' attitudes toward regions around the world. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 27(2), 103-117.
- Lee, D.-M., and Ryu, J. 2015. Mindful learning in geography: cultivating balanced attitudes toward regions. Journal of Geography, 114(5), 197-210.
3. 수상경력
- 2019 연구우수교원(가톨릭관동대학교)
- 2019 대한민국 인물대상(대한민국 인물대상 선정위원회)
- Marquis Whos Who 2019 선정
- 2013 연구우수상(서울대학교 대학원 지리교육과)