
You can make anything
by writing


by 박시룡 Jan 07. 2024

Referenziete Bücher

The Complete Bible (2003). Standard New Translation Revised Edition. Korean Bible Society

The NIV Korean-English Study Bible (2004). Word of Life Press, Seoul

The Message: The New Testament (2014). (E. H. Peterson). Translated by S.H.Kim , J.S. Yoon , and J.T. Lee. The Blessed People Publishing Co., Seoul

천로역정(2022). Pilgrim's progress (J. Bunyan). Edited by C.J. Lovik, Translated by J.H. Choi,  Poiema Publishers, Seoul

천로역정(2018). Pilgrim's progress (J.Bunyan). Translated by S.D.Yoo. CH Books

천로역정(2020). The Pilgrim's Progress(J.Bunyan). Translated by Y.H. Park. CLC

Together Walk with Pilgrim's Progress (2016). Dongwon Lee. Duranno.

성경배경주석(2010). The Bible Background Commentary. (J.H.Walton, V.H. Matthews, M.W. Chavalas & C.S. Keener). IVP

The Unabridged Bible Dictionary (2001). H.Y. Cho,  Duranno.

To the Beginning Christian (2016). S.H. Lee, Duranno

Jesus, Our Gospel (2006). Jesus A Gospel (H.J.M. Nouwen). Translated by J.S. Yoon. The Blessed People Publishing Co., Seoul

순전한 기독교 (2014). Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis). Translated by K.C. Jang & J.T. Lee. Hongseongsa, Seoul

사도바울 (2009). Paul, The Apostle (J. Pollock). Translated by J.R. Hong. Hongseongsa, Seoul

예수 믿으면 행복해질까. Believing in Jesus Will Make You Happy (2019). C.H. Lee,,Seoul

하나님을 말하다(2023). The Reason for God(T.Keller). Translated by J. H. Choi. Duranno

Ants (2001).  Les Fourmis (B. Werer) translated by Sewook Lee. Open Books, Seoul

The Language of God (2007). The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief (Frencis S. Colin) translated by C. S. Lee. GimYongSa, Seoul

 새, 우리들의 선생님 (2001). The Birds Our Teachers (J. Stott). Translated by G.B.Lee, IVP, Seoul

Solomon's Ring(2000).Er redet mit dem Vieh, den Voegeln und den Fishen(K.Lorenz).

Translated by C. H. Kim, Science Books, Seoul

사회생물학 (1992). Sociobiogoy (E.O.Wilson) translated byB.H. Lee&  S.R.Park,  Minyungsa, Seoul

After the Widow Stork (2004). Korea Stork Restoration Research Centre. Jisungsa, Seoul

The Story of Animal Behaviour (2010). S.R. Park  Jaum and Moum, Seoul

Storks, Fly to Nature (2014). S.R.Park, Jisungsa, Seoul

황새가 있는 풍경(2019). S.R.Park. Jisungsa, Seoul

Endless Life Story(2021). S.R. Park. Gomsemari, Seoul

*Die Bilder in diesem Buch wurden auf traditionellem koreanischem Papier im Format 48,5 x 37 cm gemalt, hauptsächlich mit Aquarellfarben, aber auch mit Tusche und Acrylfarben.

이전 08화 17 Der Fluss des Todes
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