
매거진 Words

You can make anything
by writing


by Rico Jan 02. 2022

Prince of Thieves

Chuck Hogan

"Okay. Do this for me. Take a good long look around. Because those faces you see staring back - that's you."

They say drowning men feel the water get warm before they slip under. The pull of familiarity here was like the tepid bath of sleep. That's who you are - the people you attract, who you keep around you.

This was all he had ahead of him. You couldn't even call it a dream. It was the opposite of a dream, and the opposite of a dream is not a nightmare but nothingness. Dead sleep.

"Know anything about whirlpools?"


"They don't just drown you. They swallow you. They hold you down there in that swirl, going round and round, days at a time, even weeks - the force of the water sucking away your clothes, your hair, your face."

"You know what you are? I just figured it out. You're decent."

"Oh. Christ, no."

"You are, and more than that - a lot of people who are decent, they were raised to be decent, you know? Like me - good parenting, good manners, blah, blah, blah - which is all fine and good until a little pressure comes into your life, and then you crumble like stale bread. But you - you've made mistakes, you've said as much. You're not a saint or anything, but you know how to be good. Your decency is earned, not learned."

"I don't know how well you know me."

When she was drunk, she wanted to be sober; sober, she wanted to be drunk.

매거진의 이전글 Worth Dying For
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