St. Elmo's Fire라는 1985년영화의 love theme 가사입니다. 이 영화는일명 Brat Pack이라불리는 80년대의대표적인젊은배우들이출연했던 iconic 한작품입니다. 감독은 Joel Schumacher였으며배우들은 Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy 그리고 Mare Winningham, 거기에 Andie MacDowell까지얼굴을보인화려한영화였지요.대학교 졸업 후 삶을 그린 영화랍니다.
아래는이영화의 love theme이기도하면서제가세상에서가장좋아하는노래 top 10 중하나: David Foster의 "For Just a Moment"입니다. 영상속의남자가 David Foster이지요.영상은 1980년대배경이지만, 멋지잖아요? 그리고중간과마지막에 Saxophone을연주하는사람은이영화의주연이었던 Rob Lowe입니다. David Foster의경우 Celine Dion을포함, vocal 이뛰어난유명가수들의노래들을 produce 한재능을가진음악가로, 모르시는분들은 80년-90년대의 American pop에대해잘모르는분이라해도과언이아닐듯합니다.
아래는 이 음악의 배경이 된 St. Elmo's Fire (1985)의 highlights를 모아 만든 영상과 음악입니다. 원래 가사가 있는 version 도 있지요.
We laughed until we had to cry, and we loved right down to our last goodbye. We were the best, I think we'll ever be just you and me, for just a moment.
We chased that dream we never found, and sometimes we let one another down. But the love we made, made everything alright. We shone so bright, for just a moment.
Time goes on, people touch and they're gone. And you and I will never love again, like we did then. Someday when we both remenisce, we both say there wasn't too much we missed.And through the tears, the smile when we recall, we had it all, for just a moment.
Time goes on, people touch and then they're gone. But you and I will never really end, will never love again like we did then. We laugh until we had to cry, and we love right down to our last goodbye.